
Buildbot no longer supports Python 2.7 on the Buildbot master. MessageFormatter

This formatter is used to format messages in BuildStatusGenerator and BuildSetStatusGenerator.

It formats a message using the Jinja2 templating language and picks the template either from a string or from a file.

The constructor of the class takes the following arguments:


If set, this parameter indicates the content of the template used to generate the body of the mail as string.


This indicates the type of the generated template. Use either ‘plain’ (the default) or ‘html’.


The content of the subject of the mail as string.


This is an extension of the standard context that will be given to the templates. Use this to add content to the templates that is otherwise not available.

Alternatively, you can subclass MessageFormatter and override the buildAdditionalContext in order to grab more context from the data API.

buildbot.reporters.message.buildAdditionalContext(master, ctx)
  • master – the master object

  • ctx – the context dictionary to enhance


optionally deferred

default implementation will add self.ctx into the current template context


This parameter (defaults to True) will extend the content of the given build object with the Properties from the build.


This parameter (defaults to False) will extend the content of the given build object with information about the steps of the build. Use it only when necessary as this increases the overhead in terms of CPU and memory on the master.


This parameter (defaults to False) will extend the content of the steps of the given build object with the full logs of each steps from the build. This requires wantSteps to be True. Use it only when mandatory, as this greatly increases the overhead in terms of CPU and memory on the master.


The context that is given to the template consists of the following data:

The following table describes how to get some useful pieces of information from the various data objects:

Name of the builder that generated this event

{{ buildername }}

Title of the BuildMaster

{{ projects }}

MailNotifier mode

{{ mode }} (a combination of change, failing, passing, problem, warnings, exception, all)

URL to build page

{{ build_url }}

URL to Buildbot main page

{{ buildbot_url }}

Status of the build as string.

This require extending the context of the Formatter via the ctx parameter with: ctx=dict(statuses=util.Results).

{{ statuses[results] }}

Build text

{{ build['state_string'] }}

Mapping of property names to (values, source)

{{ build['properties'] }}

For instance the build reason (from a forced build)

{{ build['properties']['reason'][0] }}

Worker name

{{ workername }}

List of responsible users

{{ blamelist | join(', ') }}