.. _Build-Steps: Build Steps =========== .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 common source_common source_bzr source_cvs source_darcs source_gerrit source_github source_gitlab source_git source_mercurial source_monotone source_p4 source_repo source_svn gitcommit gittag gitpush shell_command shell_sequence compile configure cmake visual_cxx cppcheck robocopy test treesize perl_module_test subunit_shell_command hlint maxq trigger build_epydoc pyflakes sphinx pylint trial remove_pycs http_step worker_filesystem file_transfer master_shell_command log_renderable assert set_property set_properties set_property_from_command set_properties_from_env rpm_build rpm_lint mock_build_srpm mock_rebuild deb_pbuilder deb_lintian :class:`BuildStep`\s are usually specified in the buildmaster's configuration file, in a list that goes into the :class:`BuildFactory`. The :class:`BuildStep` instances in this list are used as templates to construct new independent copies for each build (so that state can be kept on the :class:`BuildStep` in one build without affecting a later build). Each :class:`BuildFactory` can be created with a list of steps, or the factory can be created empty and then steps added to it using the :meth:`addStep` method: .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import util, steps f = util.BuildFactory() f.addSteps([ steps.SVN(repourl="http://svn.example.org/Trunk/"), steps.ShellCommand(command=["make", "all"]), steps.ShellCommand(command=["make", "test"]) ]) The basic behavior for a :class:`BuildStep` is to: * run for a while, then stop * possibly invoke some RemoteCommands on the attached worker * possibly produce a set of log files * finish with a status described by one of four values defined in :mod:`buildbot.process.results`: ``SUCCESS``, ``WARNINGS``, ``FAILURE``, ``SKIPPED`` * provide a list of short strings to describe the step The rest of this section describes all the standard :class:`BuildStep` objects available for use in a :class:`Build`, and the parameters which can be used to control each. A full list of build steps is available in the :bb:index:`step`. .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: Build steps ----------- The following build steps are available: * :ref:`Buildstep-Common-Parameters` * **Source checkout steps** - used to checkout the source code * :ref:`Step-Source-Common` * :ref:`Step-Bzr` * :ref:`Step-CVS` * :ref:`Step-Darcs` * :ref:`Step-Git` * :ref:`Step-Gerrit` * :ref:`Step-GitHub` * :ref:`Step-GitLab` * :ref:`Step-Mercurial` * :ref:`Step-Monotone` * :ref:`Step-P4` * :ref:`Step-Repo` * :ref:`Step-SVN` * **Other source-related steps** - used to perform non-checkout source operations * :ref:`Step-GitCommit` * :ref:`Step-GitTag` * :ref:`Step-GitPush` * **ShellCommand steps** - used to perform various shell-based operations * :ref:`Step-ShellCommand` * :ref:`Step-ShellSequence` * :ref:`Step-Compile` * :ref:`Step-Configure` * :ref:`Step-CMake` * :ref:`Step-VisualCxx` (``VC<...>``, ``VS<...>``, ``VCExpress9``, ``MsBuild<...``) * :ref:`Step-Cppcheck` * :ref:`Step-Robocopy` * :ref:`Step-Test` * :ref:`Step-TreeSize` * :ref:`Step-PerlModuleTest` * :ref:`Step-SubunitShellCommand` * :ref:`Step-HLint` * :ref:`Step-MaxQ` * :ref:`Step-Trigger` - triggering other builds * **Python build steps** - used to perform Python-related build operations * :ref:`Step-BuildEPYDoc` * :ref:`Step-PyFlakes` * :ref:`Step-Sphinx` * :ref:`Step-PyLint` * :ref:`Step-Trial` * **Debian build steps** - used to build ``deb`` packages * :ref:`Step-DebPbuilder`, DebCowBuilder * :ref:`Step-DebLintian` * **RPM build steps** - used to build ``rpm`` packages * :ref:`Step-RpmBuild` * :ref:`Step-RpmLint` * :ref:`Step-MockBuildSRPM` * :ref:`Step-MockRebuild` * :ref:`Step-FileTransfer` - used to perform file transfer operations * FileUpload * FileDownload * DirectoryUpload * MultipleFileUpload * StringDownload * JSONStringDownload * JSONPropertiesDownload * :ref:`Step-HTTPStep` - used to perform HTTP requests * HTTPStep * POST * GET * PUT * DELETE * HEAD * OPTIONS * :ref:`Worker-Filesystem-Steps` - used to perform filesystem operations on the worker * FileExists * CopyDirectory * RemoveDirectory * MakeDirectory * **Master steps** - used to perform operations on the build master * :ref:`Step-MasterShellCommand` * :ref:`Step-SetProperty` * :ref:`Step-SetProperties` * :ref:`Step-SetPropertyFromCommand` * :ref:`Step-SetPropertiesFromEnv` * :ref:`Step-LogRenderable` - used to log a renderable property for debugging * :ref:`Step-Assert` - used to terminate build depending on condition