.. bb:step:: ShellSequence .. _Step-ShellSequence: Shell Sequence ++++++++++++++ Some steps have a specific purpose, but require multiple shell commands to implement them. For example, a build is often ``configure; make; make install``. We have two ways to handle that: * Create one shell command with all these. To put the logs of each commands in separate logfiles, we need to re-write the script as ``configure 1> configure_log; ...`` and to add these ``configure_log`` files as ``logfiles`` argument of the buildstep. This has the drawback of complicating the shell script, and making it harder to maintain as the logfile name is put in different places. * Create three :bb:step:`ShellCommand` instances, but this loads the build UI unnecessarily. :bb:step:`ShellSequence` is a class to execute not one but a sequence of shell commands during a build. It takes as argument a renderable, or list of commands which are :class:`~buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellArg` objects. Each such object represents a shell invocation. The single :bb:step:`ShellSequence` argument aside from the common parameters is: ``commands`` A list of :class:`~buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellArg` objects or a renderable the returns a list of :class:`~buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellArg` objects. .. code-block:: python from buildbot.plugins import steps, util f.addStep(steps.ShellSequence( commands=[ util.ShellArg(command=['configure']), util.ShellArg(command=['make'], logfile='make'), util.ShellArg( command=['make', 'check_warning'], logfile='warning', warnOnFailure=True), util.ShellArg(command=['make', 'install'], logfile='make install') ])) All these commands share the same configuration of ``environment``, ``workdir`` and ``pty`` usage that can be setup the same way as in :bb:step:`ShellCommand`. .. py:class:: buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellArg(self, command=None, logfile=None, haltOnFailure=False, flunkOnWarnings=False, flunkOnFailure=False, warnOnWarnings=False, warnOnFailure=False) :param command: (see the :bb:step:`ShellCommand` ``command`` argument), :param logfile: optional log file name, used as the stdio log of the command The ``haltOnFailure``, ``flunkOnWarnings``, ``flunkOnFailure``, ``warnOnWarnings``, ``warnOnFailure`` parameters drive the execution of the sequence, the same way steps are scheduled in the build. They have the same default values as for buildsteps - see :ref:`Buildstep-Common-Parameters`. Any of the arguments to this class can be renderable. Note that if ``logfile`` name does not start with the prefix ``stdio``, that prefix will be set like ``stdio ``. The two :bb:step:`ShellSequence` methods below tune the behavior of how the list of shell commands are executed, and can be overridden in subclasses. .. py:class:: buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellSequence .. py:method:: shouldRunTheCommand(oneCmd) :param oneCmd: a string or a list of strings, as rendered from a :py:class:`~buildbot.steps.shellsequence.ShellArg` instance's ``command`` argument. Determine whether the command ``oneCmd`` should be executed. If ``shouldRunTheCommand`` returns ``False``, the result of the command will be recorded as SKIPPED. The default methods skips all empty strings and empty lists. .. py:method:: getFinalState() Return the status text of the step in the end. The default value is to set the text describing the execution of the last shell command. .. py:method:: runShellSequence(commands): :param commands: list of shell args This method actually runs the shell sequence. The default ``run`` method calls ``runShellSequence``, but subclasses can override ``run`` to perform other operations, if desired.