
Buildbot no longer supports Python 2.7 on the Buildbot master.

2.5.12. Reporters

The Buildmaster has a variety of ways to present build status to various users. Each such delivery method is a Reporter Target object in the configuration’s services list. To add reporter targets, you just append more objects to this list:

c['services'] = []

m = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@localhost",

c['services'].append(reporters.IRC(host="", nick="bb",
                                  channels=[{"channel": "#example1"},
                                            {"channel": "#example2",
                                             "password": "somesecretpassword"}]))

Most reporter objects take a tags= argument, which can contain a list of tag names: in this case, it will only show status for Builders that contains the named tags.


Implementation Note

Each of these objects should be a service.BuildbotService which will be attached to the BuildMaster object when the configuration is processed.

The remainder of this section describes each built-in reporters. A full list of reporters is available in the Reporter Target Index. MailNotifier

class buildbot.reporters.mail.MailNotifier

The Buildbot can send email when builds finish. The most common use of this is to tell developers when their change has caused the build to fail. It is also quite common to send a message to a mailing list (usually named builds or similar) about every build.

The MailNotifier reporter is used to accomplish this. You configure it by specifying who mail should be sent to, under what circumstances mail should be sent, and how to deliver the mail. It can be configured to only send out mail for certain builders, and only send messages when the build fails, or when the builder transitions from success to failure. It can also be configured to include various build logs in each message.

If a proper lookup function is configured, the message will be sent to the “interested users” list (Doing Things With Users), which includes all developers who made changes in the build. By default, however, Buildbot does not know how to construct an email addressed based on the information from the version control system. See the lookup argument, below, for more information.

You can add additional, statically-configured, recipients with the extraRecipients argument. You can also add interested users by setting the owners build property to a list of users in the scheduler constructor (Configuring Schedulers).

Each MailNotifier sends mail to a single set of recipients. To send different kinds of mail to different recipients, use multiple MailNotifiers. TODO: or subclass MailNotifier and override getRecipients()

The following simple example will send an email upon the completion of each build, to just those developers whose Changes were included in the build. The email contains a description of the Build, its results, and URLs where more information can be obtained.

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",

To get a simple one-message-per-build (say, for a mailing list), use the following form instead. This form does not send mail to individual developers (and thus does not need the lookup= argument, explained below), instead it only ever sends mail to the extra recipients named in the arguments:

mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",

If your SMTP host requires authentication before it allows you to send emails, this can also be done by specifying smtpUser and smtpPassword:

mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",
                            relayhost="", smtpPort=587,


If for some reasons you are not able to send a notification with TLS enabled and specified user name and password, you might want to use master/contrib/ to see if it works at all.

If you want to require Transport Layer Security (TLS), then you can also set useTls:

mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",
                            useTls=True, relayhost="",
                            smtpPort=587, smtpUser="",


If you see twisted.mail.smtp.TLSRequiredError exceptions in the log while using TLS, this can be due either to the server not supporting TLS or to a missing PyOpenSSL package on the BuildMaster system.

In some cases it is desirable to have different information then what is provided in a standard MailNotifier message. For this purpose MailNotifier provides the argument messageFormatter (an instance of MessageFormatter) which allows for the creation of messages with unique content.

For example, if only short emails are desired (e.g., for delivery to phones):

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",
                            messageFormatter=reporters.MessageFormatter(template="STATUS: {{ summary }}"))

Another example of a function delivering a customized html email is given below:

from buildbot.plugins import reporters

<h4>Build status: {{ summary }}</h4>
<p> Worker used: {{ workername }}</p>
{% for step in build['steps'] %}
<p> {{ step['name'] }}: {{ step['result'] }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<p><b> -- The Buildbot</b></p>

mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",
                                template=template, template_type='html',
                                wantProperties=True, wantSteps=True))

MailNotifier arguments

The email address to be used in the ‘From’ header.
(boolean). If True (the default), send mail to all of the Interested Users. Interested Users are authors of changes and users from the owners build property. Override MailNotifier getResponsibleUsersForBuild method to change that. If False, only send mail to the extraRecipients list.
(list of strings). A list of email addresses to which messages should be sent (in addition to the InterestedUsers list, which includes any developers who made Changes that went into this build). It is a good idea to create a small mailing list and deliver to that, then let subscribers come and go as they please.
(string). A string to be used as the subject line of the message. %(builder)s will be replaced with the name of the builder which provoked the message.

Mode is a list of strings; however there are two strings which can be used as shortcuts instead of the full lists. The possible shortcuts are:

Always send mail about builds. Equivalent to (change, failing, passing, problem, warnings, exception).
Equivalent to (warnings, failing).

Set these shortcuts as actual strings in the configuration:

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
mn = reporters.MailNotifier(fromaddr="",

(list of strings). A combination of:

Send mail about builds which were cancelled.
Send mail about builds which change status.
Send mail about builds which fail.
Send mail about builds which succeed.
Send mail about a build which failed when the previous build has passed.
Send mail about builds which generate warnings.
Send mail about builds which generate exceptions.

Defaults to (failing, passing, warnings).

(list of strings). A list of builder names for which mail should be sent. Defaults to None (send mail for all builds). Use either builders or tags, but not both.
(list of strings). A list of tag names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all tags). Use either builders or tags, but not both.
(list of strings). A list of scheduler names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all schedulers).
(list of strings). A list of branch names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all branches).
(boolean). If True, include all build logs as attachments to the messages. These can be quite large. This can also be set to a list of log names, to send a subset of the logs. Defaults to False.
(boolean). If True, include the patch content if a patch was present. Patches are usually used on a Try server. Defaults to True.
(boolean). If True, send a single summary email consisting of the concatenation of all build completion messages rather than a completion message for each build. Defaults to False.
(string). The host to which the outbound SMTP connection should be made. Defaults to ‘localhost’
(int). The port that will be used on outbound SMTP connections. Defaults to 25.
(boolean). When this argument is True (default is False) MailNotifier requires that STARTTLS encryption is used for the connection with the relayhost. Authentication is required for STARTTLS so the arguments smtpUser and smtpPassword must also be specified.
(boolean). When this argument is True (default is False) MailNotifier connects to relayhost over an encrypted SSL/TLS connection. This configuration is typically used over port 465.
(string). The user name to use when authenticating with the relayhost. Can be a Secret.
(string). The password that will be used when authenticating with the relayhost. Can be a Secret.

(implementer of IEmailLookup). Object which provides IEmailLookup, which is responsible for mapping User names (which come from the VC system) into valid email addresses.

If the argument is not provided, the MailNotifier will attempt to build the sendToInterestedUsers from the authors of the Changes that led to the Build via User Objects. If the author of one of the Build’s Changes has an email address stored, it will added to the recipients list. With this method, owners are still added to the recipients. Note that, in the current implementation of user objects, email addresses are not stored; as a result, unless you have specifically added email addresses to the user database, this functionality is unlikely to actually send any emails.

Most of the time you can use a simple Domain instance. As a shortcut, you can pass as string: this will be treated as if you had provided Domain(str). For example, lookup='' will allow mail to be sent to all developers whose SVN usernames match their account names. See master/buildbot/reporters/ for more details.

Regardless of the setting of lookup, MailNotifier will also send mail to addresses in the extraRecipients list.

This is an optional instance of the reporters.MessageFormatter class that can be used to generate a custom mail message. This class uses the Jinja2 templating language to generate the body and optionally the subject of the mails. Templates can either be given inline (as string), or read from the filesystem.
(dictionary). A dictionary containing key/value pairs of extra headers to add to sent e-mails. Both the keys and the values may be a Interpolate instance.
This is a list of names of workers, which should be watched. In case a worker get missing, a notification is sent. The value of watchedWorkers can also be set to all (default) or None. You also need to specify email address to which the notification is sent in the worker configuration.
This is an optional instance of the reporters.messageFormatterMissingWorker class that can be used to generate a custom mail message for missing workers. This class uses the Jinja2 templating language to generate the body and optionally the subject of the mails. Templates can either be given inline (as string), or read from the filesystem.

MessageFormatter arguments

The easiest way to use the messageFormatter parameter is to create a new instance of the reporters.MessageFormatter class. The constructor to that class takes the following arguments:

This is the directory that is used to look for the various templates.
This is the name of the file in the template_dir directory that will be used to generate the body of the mail. It defaults to default_mail.txt.
If this parameter is set, this parameter indicates the content of the template used to generate the body of the mail as string.
This indicates the type of the generated template. Use either ‘plain’ (the default) or ‘html’.
This is the name of the file in the template_dir directory that contains the content of the subject of the mail.
Alternatively, this is the content of the subject of the mail as string.

This is an extension of the standard context that will be given to the templates. Use this to add content to the templates that is otherwise not available.

Alternatively, you can subclass MessageFormatter and override the buildAdditionalContext in order to grab more context from the data API.

buildAdditionalContext(master, ctx)
  • master – the master object
  • ctx – the context dictionary to enhance

optionally deferred

default implementation will add self.ctx into the current template context

This parameter (defaults to True) will extend the content of the given build object with the Properties from the build.
This parameter (defaults to False) will extend the content of the given build object with information about the steps of the build. Use it only when necessary as this increases the overhead in term of CPU and memory on the master.
This parameter (defaults to False) will extend the content of the steps of the given build object with the full Logs of each steps from the build. This requires wantSteps to be True. Use it only when mandatory as this increases the overhead in term of CPU and memory on the master greatly.

As a help to those writing Jinja2 templates the following table describes how to get some useful pieces of information from the various data objects:

Name of the builder that generated this event
{{ buildername }}
Title of the BuildMaster
{{ projects }}
MailNotifier mode
{{ mode }} (a combination of change, failing, passing, problem, warnings, exception, all)
URL to build page
{{ build_url }}
URL to Buildbot main page
{{ buildbot_url }}
Status of the build as string.

This require extending the context of the Formatter via the ctx parameter with: ctx=dict(statuses=util.Results).

{{ statuses[results] }}

Build text
{{ build['state_string'] }}
Mapping of property names to (values, source)
{{ build['properties'] }}
For instance the build reason (from a forced build)
{{ build['properties']['reason'][0] }}
Worker name
{{ workername }}
List of responsible users
{{ blamelist | join(', ') }}

MessageFormatterMissingWorkers arguments

The easiest way to use the messageFormatterMissingWorkers parameter is to create a new instance of the reporters.MessageFormatterMissingWorkers class.

The constructor to that class takes the same arguments as MessageFormatter, minus wantLogs, wantProperties, wantSteps.

The default ctx for the missing worker email is made of:

The Buildbot title as per c['title'] from the master.cfg
The Buildbot title as per c['title'] from the master.cfg

The worker object as defined in the REST api plus two attributes:

List of emails to be notified for this worker.
String describing the approximate the time of last connection for this worker. Pushover Notifications

class buildbot.reporters.pushover.PushoverNotifier

Apart of sending mail, Buildbot can send Pushover notifications. It can be used by administrators to receive an instant message to an iPhone or an Android device if a build fails. The PushoverNotifier reporter is used to accomplish this. Its configuration is very similar to the mail notifications, however—due to the notification size constrains—the logs and patches cannot be attached.

To use this reporter, you need to generate and application on the Pushover website and provide your user key and the API token.

The following simple example will send a Pushover notification upon the completion of each build. The notification contains a description of the Build, its results, and URLs where more information can be obtained. The user_key and api_token values should be replaced with proper ones obtained from the Pushover website for your application.

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
pn = reporters.PushoverNotifier(user_key="1234", api_token='abcd')

This notifier supports parameters subject, mode, builders, tags, schedulers, branches, buildSetSummary, messageFormatter, watchedWorkers, and messageFormatterMissingWorker from the mail notifier. See above for their explanation. However, watchedWorkers defaults to None.

The following additional parameters are accepted by this class:

The user key from the Pushover website. It is used to identify the notification recipient. Can be a Secret.
API token for a custom application from the Pushover website. Can be a Secret.
Dictionary of Pushover notification priorities. The keys of the dictionary can be change, failing, passing, warnings, exception and are equivalent to the mode strings. The values are integers between -2…2, specifying notification priority. In case a mode is missing from this dictionary, the default value of 0 is used.
Other parameters send to Pushover API. Check for their list. Pushjet Notifications

class buildbot.reporters.pushover.PushjetNotifier

Pushjet is another instant notification service, similar to Pushover. To use this reporter, you need to generate a Pushjet service and provide its secret.

The parameters subject, mode, builders, tags, schedulers, branches, buildSetSummary, messageFormatter, watchedWorkers, and messageFormatterMissingWorker are common with mail and Pushover notifier.

The Pushjet specific parameters are:

This is a secret token for your Pushjet service. See to learn how to create a new Pushjet service and get its secret token. Can be a Secret.
Dictionary of Pushjet notification levels. The keys of the dictionary can be change, failing, passing, warnings, exception and are equivalent to the mode strings. The values are integers between 0…5, specifying notification priority. In case a mode is missing from this dictionary, the default value set by Pushover is used.
Base URL for custom Pushjet instances. Defaults to IRC Bot

The IRC reporter creates an IRC bot which will attach to certain channels and be available for status queries. It can also be asked to announce builds as they occur, or be told to shut up.

The IRC Bot in buildbot nine, is mostly a rewrite, and not all functionality has been ported yet. Patches are very welcome for restoring the full functionality.


Security Note

Please note that any user having access to your irc channel or can PM the bot will be able to create or stop builds bug #3377.

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
irc = reporters.IRC("", "botnickname",
                 channels=[{"channel": "#example1"},
                           {"channel": "#example2",
                            "password": "somesecretpassword"}],
                   'exception': 1,
                   'successToFailure': 1,
                   'failureToSuccess': 1,

The following parameters are accepted by this class:

(mandatory) The IRC server address to connect to.
(mandatory) The name this bot will use on the IRC server.
(mandatory) This is a list of channels to join on the IRC server. Each channel can be a string (e.g. #buildbot), or a dictionary {'channel': '#buildbot', 'password': 'secret'} if each channel requires a different password. A global password can be set with the password parameter.
(optional) This is a list of person to contact on the IRC server.
(optional, default to 6667) The port to connect to on the IRC server.
(optional, disabled by default) This allow user to force builds via this bot.
(optional) When set, this bot will only communicate about builders containing those tags. (tags functionality is not yet ported)
(optional) The global password used to register the bot to the IRC server. If provided, it will be sent to Nickserv to claim the nickname: some IRC servers will not allow clients to send private messages until they have logged in with a password. Can be a Secret.
(optional) A dictionary of events to be notified on the IRC channels. At the moment, irc bot can listen to build ‘start’ and ‘finish’ events. This parameter can be changed during run-time by sending the notify command to the bot.
(optional, disabled by default) Whether to send notices rather than messages when communicating with a channel.
(optional, disabled by default) Whether or not to display the blame list for failed builds. (blame list functionality is not ported yet)
(optional, disabled by default) Whether or not to display the revision leading to the build the messages are about. (useRevisions functionality is not ported yet)
(optional, disabled by default) Whether or not to use SSL when connecting to the IRC server. Note that this option requires PyOpenSSL.
(optional) Delay to wait before reconnecting to the server when the connection has been lost.
(optional) Delay to wait before reconnecting to the IRC server when the connection failed.
(optional, enabled by default) The bot can add color to some of its messages. You might turn it off by setting this parameter to False.
(optional, disabled by default) This allow users to shutdown the master.

To use the service, you address messages at the Buildbot, either normally (botnickname: status) or with private messages (/msg botnickname status). The Buildbot will respond in kind.

If you issue a command that is currently not available, the Buildbot will respond with an error message. If the noticeOnChannel=True option was used, error messages will be sent as channel notices instead of messaging.

Some of the commands currently available:

list builders
Emit a list of all configured builders
status BUILDER
Announce the status of a specific Builder: what it is doing right now.
status all
Announce the status of all Builders
If the given Builder is currently running, wait until the Build is finished and then announce the results.
Return the results of the last build to run on the given Builder.
Join the given IRC channel
Leave the given IRC channel
notify on|off|list EVENT

Report events relating to builds. If the command is issued as a private message, then the report will be sent back as a private message to the user who issued the command. Otherwise, the report will be sent to the channel. Available events to be notified are:

A build has started
A build has finished
A build finished successfully
A build failed
A build generated and exception
The previous build was x, but this one is Y, where x and Y are each one of success, warnings, failure, exception (except Y is capitalized). For example: successToFailure will notify if the previous build was successful, but this one failed
Describe a command. Use help commands to get a list of known commands.
shutdown ARG

Control the shutdown process of the Buildbot master. Available arguments are:

Check if the Buildbot master is running or shutting down
Start clean shutdown
Stop clean shutdown
Shutdown immediately without waiting for the builders to finish
Announce the URL of the Buildbot’s home page.
Announce the version of this Buildbot.

Additionally, the config file may specify default notification options as shown in the example earlier.

If the allowForce=True option was used, some additional commands will be available:

force build [--codebase=CODEBASE] [--branch=BRANCH] [--revision=REVISION] [--props=PROP1=VAL1,PROP2=VAL2...] BUILDER REASON
Tell the given Builder to start a build of the latest code. The user requesting the build and REASON are recorded in the Build status. The Buildbot will announce the build’s status when it finishes.The user can specify a branch and/or revision with the optional parameters --branch=BRANCH and --revision=REVISION. The user can also give a list of properties with --props=PROP1=VAL1,PROP2=VAL2...
Terminate any running build in the given Builder. REASON will be added to the build status to explain why it was stopped. You might use this if you committed a bug, corrected it right away, and don’t want to wait for the first build (which is destined to fail) to complete before starting the second (hopefully fixed) build.

If the tags is set (see the tags option in Builder Configuration) changes related to only builders belonging to those tags of builders will be sent to the channel.

If the useRevisions option is set to True, the IRC bot will send status messages that replace the build number with a list of revisions that are contained in that build. So instead of seeing build #253 of …, you would see something like build containing revisions [a87b2c4]. Revisions that are stored as hashes are shortened to 7 characters in length, as multiple revisions can be contained in one build and may exceed the IRC message length limit.

Two additional arguments can be set to control how fast the IRC bot tries to reconnect when it encounters connection issues. lostDelay is the number of seconds the bot will wait to reconnect when the connection is lost, where as failedDelay is the number of seconds until the bot tries to reconnect when the connection failed. lostDelay defaults to a random number between 1 and 5, while failedDelay defaults to a random one between 45 and 60. Setting random defaults like this means multiple IRC bots are less likely to deny each other by flooding the server. GerritStatusPush

class buildbot.status.status_gerrit.GerritStatusPush

GerritStatusPush sends review of the Change back to the Gerrit server, optionally also sending a message when a build is started. GerritStatusPush can send a separate review for each build that completes, or a single review summarizing the results for all of the builds.

class GerritStatusPush(server, username, reviewCB, startCB, port, reviewArg, startArg, summaryCB, summaryArg, identity_file, builders, notify...)
  • server (string) – Gerrit SSH server’s address to use for push event notifications.
  • username (string) – Gerrit SSH server’s username.
  • identity_file – (optional) Gerrit SSH identity file.
  • port (int) – (optional) Gerrit SSH server’s port (default: 29418)
  • reviewCB – (optional) Called each time a build finishes. Build properties are available. Can be a deferred.
  • reviewArg

    (optional) argument passed to the review callback.

    If reviewCB callback is specified, it must return a message and optionally labels. If no message is specified, nothing will be sent to Gerrit. It should return a dictionary:

    {'message': message,
     'labels': {label-name: label-score,

    For example:

    def gerritReviewCB(builderName, build, result, master, arg):
        if result == util.RETRY:
            return dict()
        message =  "Buildbot finished compiling your patchset\n"
        message += "on configuration: %s\n" % builderName
        message += "The result is: %s\n" % util.Results[result].upper()
        if arg:
            message += "\nFor more details visit:\n"
            message += build['url'] + "\n"
        if result == util.SUCCESS:
            verified = 1
            verified = -1
        return dict(message=message, labels={'Verified': verified})

    Which require an extra import in the config:

    from buildbot.plugins import util
  • startCB – (optional) Called each time a build is started. Build properties are available. Can be a deferred.
  • startArg

    (optional) argument passed to the start callback.

    If startCB is specified, it must return a message and optionally labels. If no message is specified, nothing will be sent to Gerrit. It should return a dictionary:

    {'message': message,
     'labels': {label-name: label-score,

    For example:

    def gerritStartCB(builderName, build, arg):
        message = "Buildbot started compiling your patchset\n"
        message += "on configuration: %s\n" % builderName
        message += "See your build here: %s" % build['url']
        return dict(message=message)
  • summaryCB – (optional) Called each time a buildset finishes. Each build in the buildset has properties available. Can be a deferred.
  • summaryArg

    (optional) argument passed to the summary callback.

    If summaryCB callback is specified, it must return a message and optionally labels. If no message is specified, nothing will be sent to Gerrit. The message and labels should be a summary of all the builds within the buildset. It should return a dictionary:

    {'message': message,
     'labels': {label-name: label-score,

    For example:

    def gerritSummaryCB(buildInfoList, results, status, arg):
        success = False
        failure = False
        msgs = []
        for buildInfo in buildInfoList:
            msg = "Builder %(name)s %(resultText)s (%(text)s)" % buildInfo
            link = buildInfo.get('url', None)
            if link:
                msg += " - " + link
                msg += "."
            if buildInfo['result'] == util.SUCCESS:
                success = True
                failure = True
        if success and not failure:
            verified = 1
            verified = -1
        return dict(message='\n\n'.join(msgs),
                        'Verified': verified
  • builders – (optional) list of builders to send results for. This method allows to filter results for a specific set of builder. By default, or if builders is None, then no filtering is performed.
  • notify – (optional) control who gets notified by Gerrit once the status is posted. The possible values for notify can be found in your version of the Gerrit documentation for the gerrit review command.
  • wantSteps – (optional, defaults to False) Extends the given build object with information about steps of the build. Use it only when necessary as this increases the overhead in term of CPU and memory on the master.
  • wantLogs – (optional, default to False) Extends the steps of the given build object with the full logs of the build. This requires wantSteps to be True. Use it only when mandatory as this increases the overhead in term of CPU and memory on the master greatly.


By default, a single summary review is sent; that is, a default summaryCB is provided, but no reviewCB or startCB.


If reviewCB or summaryCB do not return any labels, only a message will be pushed to the Gerrit server.

See also

master/docs/examples/git_gerrit.cfg and master/docs/examples/repo_gerrit.cfg in the Buildbot distribution provide a full example setup of Git+Gerrit or Repo+Gerrit of GerritStatusPush. HttpStatusPush

from buildbot.plugins import reporters
sp = reporters.HttpStatusPush(serverUrl="")

HttpStatusPush builds on StatusPush and sends HTTP requests to serverUrl, with all the items json-encoded. It is useful to create a status front end outside of Buildbot for better scalability.

It requires either txrequests or treq to be installed to allow interaction with http server.


The json data object sent is completely different from the one that was generated by 0.8.x buildbot. It is indeed generated using data api.

class HttpStatusPush(serverUrl, user=None, password=None, auth=None, format_fn=None, builders=None, wantProperties=False, wantSteps=False, wantPreviousBuild=False, wantLogs=False)
  • serverUrl (string) – the url where to do the http post
  • user (string) – the BasicAuth user to post as
  • password (string) – the BasicAuth user’s password (can be a Secret).
  • auth – the authentication method to use. Refer to the documentation of the requests library for more information.
  • format_fn (function) – a function that takes the build as parameter and returns a dictionary to be pushed to the server (as json).
  • builders (list) – only send update for specified builders
  • wantProperties (boolean) – include ‘properties’ in the build dictionary
  • wantSteps (boolean) – include ‘steps’ in the build dictionary
  • wantLogs (boolean) – include ‘logs’ in the steps dictionaries. This needs wantSteps=True. This dumps the full content of logs and may consume lots of memory and CPU depending on the log size.
  • wantPreviousBuild (boolean) – include ‘prev_build’ in the build dictionary

Json object spec

The default json object sent is a build object augmented with some more data as follow.

    "url": "http://yourbot/path/to/build",
    "<build data api values>": "[...]",
    "buildset": "<buildset data api values>",
    "builder": "<builder data api values>",
    "buildrequest": "<buildrequest data api values>"

If you want another format, don’t hesitate to use the format_fn parameter to customize the payload. The build parameter given to that function is of type build, optionally enhanced with properties, steps, and logs information. GitHubStatusPush

class buildbot.reporters.github.GitHubStatusPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters, util

context = Interpolate("buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s")
gs = reporters.GitHubStatusPush(token='githubAPIToken',
                                startDescription='Build started.',
                                endDescription='Build done.')
factory = util.BuildFactory()
buildbot_bbtools = util.BuilderConfig(

GitHubStatusPush publishes a build status using GitHub Status API.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with GitHub REST API.

It is configured with at least a GitHub API token.

You can create a token from you own GitHub - Profile - Applications - Register new application or use an external tool to generate one.

class GitHubStatusPush(token, startDescription=None, endDescription=None, context=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False, builders=None)
  • token (string) – token used for authentication. (can be a Secret)
  • string startDescription (rendereable) – Custom start message (default: ‘Build started.’)
  • string endDescription (rendereable) – Custom end message (default: ‘Build done.’)
  • string context (rendereable) – Passed to GitHub to differentiate between statuses. A static string can be passed or Interpolate for dynamic substitution. The default context is buildbot/%(prop:buildername)s.
  • baseURL (string) – specify the github api endpoint if you work with GitHub Enterprise
  • verbose (boolean) – if True, logs a message for each successful status push
  • builders (list) – only send update for specified builders GitHubCommentPush

class buildbot.reporters.github.GitHubCommentPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters, util

gc = reporters.GitHubCommentPush(token='githubAPIToken',
                                 startDescription='Build started.',
                                 endDescription='Build done.')
factory = util.BuildFactory()
buildbot_bbtools = util.BuilderConfig(

GitHubCommentPush publishes a comment on a PR using GitHub Review Comments API.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with GitHub REST API.

It is configured with at least a GitHub API token. By default, it will only comment at the end of a build unless a startDescription is provided.

You can create a token from you own GitHub - Profile - Applications - Register new application or use an external tool to generate one.

class GitHubCommentPush(token, startDescription=None, endDescription=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False, builders=None)
  • token (string) – token used for authentication. (can be a Secret)
  • string startDescription (rendereable) – Custom start message (default: None)
  • string endDescription (rendereable) – Custom end message (default: ‘Build done.’)
  • baseURL (string) – specify the github api endpoint if you work with GitHub Enterprise
  • verbose (boolean) – if True, logs a message for each successful status push
  • builders (list) – only send update for specified builders
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response

string for comment, must be less than 65536 bytes.

Here’s a complete example of posting build results as a github comment:

def getresults(props):
    master = props.master
    steps = yield'builders', props.getProperty('buildername'), 'builds', props.getProperty('buildnumber'), 'steps'))
    for step in steps:
        if step['results'] == util.Results.index('failure'):
            logs = yield"steps", step['stepid'], 'logs'))
            for l in logs:
                all_logs.append('Step : {0} Result : {1}'.format(step['name'], util.Results[step['results']]))
                l['stepname'] = step['name']
                l['content'] = yield"logs", l['logid'], 'contents'))
                step_logs = l['content']['content'].split('\n')
                include = False
                for i, sl in enumerate(step_logs):
    return '\n'.join(all_logs)

gc = GitHubCommentPush(token='githubAPIToken',
c['services'].append(gc) BitbucketServerStatusPush

class buildbot.reporters.BitbucketServer.BitbucketServerStatusPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerStatusPush('',

BitbucketServerStatusPush publishes build status using BitbucketServer Build Integration REST API. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in Bitbucket Server. It tracks the last build for each builderName for each commit built.

Specifically, it follows the Updating build status for commits document.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with Bitbucket Server REST API.

It uses HTTP Basic AUTH. As a result, we recommend you use https in your base_url rather than http.

class BitbucketServerStatusPush(base_url, user, password, key=None, statusName=None, startDescription=None, endDescription=None, verbose=False, builders=None)
  • base_url (string) – The base url of the Bitbucket Server host, up to and optionally including the first / of the path.
  • user (string) – The Bitbucket Server user to post as. (can be a Secret)
  • password (string) – The Bitbucket Server user’s password. (can be a Secret)
  • string key (renderable) – Passed to Bitbucket Server to differentiate between statuses. A static string can be passed or Interpolate for dynamic substitution. The default key is %(prop:buildername)s.
  • string statusName (renderable) – The name that is displayed for this status. The default name is nothing, so Bitbucket Server will use the key parameter.
  • string startDescription (renderable) – Custom start message (default: ‘Build started.’)
  • string endDescription (renderable) – Custom end message (default: ‘Build done.’)
  • verbose (boolean) – If True, logs a message for each successful status push.
  • builders (list) – Only send update for specified builders.
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response BitbucketServerPRCommentPush

class buildbot.reporters.BitbucketServer.BitbucketServerPRCommentPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters

ss = reporters.BitbucketServerPRCommentPush('',

BitbucketServerPRCommentPush publishes a comment on a PR using Bitbucket Server REST API.

BitBucketServerPRCommentPush(base_url, user, password, messageFormatter=None, verbose=False, debug=None, verify=None, mode=('failing', 'passing', 'warnings'), tags=None, builders=None, schedulers=None, branches=None, buildSetSummary=False):
  • base_url (string) – The base url of the Bitbucket server host
  • user (string) – The Bitbucket server user to post as. (can be a Secret)
  • password (string) – The Bitbucket server user’s password. (can be a Secret)
  • messageFormatter – This is an optional instance of MessageFormatter that can be used to generate a custom comment.
  • verbose (boolean) – If True, logs a message for each successful status push.
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • mode (list) –

    A list of strings which will determine the build status that will be reported. The values could be change, failing, passing, problem, warnings or exception. There are two shortcuts:

    Equivalent to (change, failing, passing, problem, warnings, exception)
    Equivalent to (warnings, failing).
  • tags (list) – A list of tag names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all tags). Use either builders or tags, but not both.
  • builders (list) – Only send update for specified builders. Defaults to None (all builders). Use either builders or tags, but not both
  • schedulers (list) – A list of scheduler names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all schedulers).
  • branches (list) – A list of branch names to serve status information for. Defaults to None (all branches).
  • buildSetSummary (boolean) – If true, post a comment when a build set is finished with all build completion messages in it, instead of doing it for each separate build.


This reporter depends on the Bitbucket server hook to get the pull request url. BitbucketStatusPush

class buildbot.reporters.bitbucket.BitbucketStatusPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters
bs = reporters.BitbucketStatusPush('oauth_key', 'oauth_secret')

BitbucketStatusPush publishes build status using Bitbucket Build Status API. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in Bitbucket. It tracks the last build for each builderName for each commit built.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with the Bitbucket REST and OAuth APIs.

It uses OAuth 2.x to authenticate with Bitbucket. To enable this, you need to go to your Bitbucket Settings -> OAuth page. Click “Add consumer”. Give the new consumer a name, eg ‘buildbot’, and put in any URL as the callback (this is needed for Oauth 2.x but is not used by this reporter, eg ‘http://localhost:8010/callback’). Give the consumer Repositories:Write access. After creating the consumer, you will then be able to see the OAuth key and secret.

class BitbucketStatusPush(oauth_key, oauth_secret, base_url='', oauth_url='', builders=None)
  • oauth_key (string) – The OAuth consumer key. (can be a Secret)
  • oauth_secret (string) – The OAuth consumer secret. (can be a Secret)
  • base_url (string) – Bitbucket’s Build Status API URL
  • oauth_url (string) – Bitbucket’s OAuth API URL
  • builders (list) – only send update for specified builders
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response GitLabStatusPush

class buildbot.reporters.gitlab.GitLabStatusPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters

gl = reporters.GitLabStatusPush('private-token', context='continuous-integration/buildbot', baseURL='')

GitLabStatusPush publishes build status using GitLab Commit Status API. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in GitLab.

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with GitLab Commit Status API.

It uses private token auth, and the token owner is required to have at least developer access to each repository. As a result, we recommend you use https in your base_url rather than http.

class GitLabStatusPush(token, startDescription=None, endDescription=None, context=None, baseURL=None, verbose=False)
  • token (string) – Private token of user permitted to update status for commits. (can be a Secret)
  • startDescription (string) – Description used when build starts
  • endDescription (string) – Description used when build ends
  • context (string) – Name of your build system, eg. continuous-integration/buildbot
  • baseURL (string) – the base url of the GitLab host, up to and optionally including the first / of the path. Do not include /api/
  • verbose (string) – Be more verbose
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response HipchatStatusPush

class buildbot.reporters.hipchat.HipchatStatusPush
from buildbot.plugins import reporters

hs = reporters.HipchatStatusPush('private-token', endpoint='')

HipchatStatusPush publishes a custom message using Hipchat API v2. The message is published to a user and/or room in Hipchat,

It requires txrequests package to allow interaction with Hipchat API.

It uses API token auth, and the token owner is required to have at least message/notification access to each destination.

HipchatStatusPush(auth_token, endpoint="",
builder_room_map=None, builder_user_map=None,
wantProperties=False, wantSteps=False, wantPreviousBuild=False, wantLogs=False)
  • auth_token (string) – Private API token with access to the “Send Message” and “Send Notification” scopes. (can be a Secret)
  • endpoint (string) – (optional) URL of your Hipchat server. Defaults to
  • builder_room_map (dictionary) – (optional) If specified, will forward events about a builder (based on name) to the corresponding room ID.
  • builder_user_map (dictionary) – (optional) If specified, will forward events about a builder (based on name) to the corresponding user ID.
  • wantProperties (boolean) – (optional) include ‘properties’ in the build dictionary
  • wantSteps (boolean) – (optional) include ‘steps’ in the build dictionary
  • wantLogs (boolean) – (optional) include ‘logs’ in the steps dictionaries. This needs wantSteps=True. This dumps the full content of logs.
  • wantPreviousBuild (boolean) – (optional) include ‘prev_build’ in the build dictionary
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response


No message will be sent if the message is empty or there is no destination found.


If a builder name appears in both the room and user map, the same message will be sent to both destinations.

Json object spec

The default json object contains the minimal required parameters to send a message to Hipchat.

    "message": "Buildbot started/finished build MyBuilderName (with result success) here:",
    "id_or_email": "12"

If you require different parameters, the Hipchat reporter utilizes the template design pattern and will call getRecipientList getMessage getExtraParams before sending a message. This allows you to easily override the default implementation for those methods. All of those methods can be deferred.

Method signatures:

getRecipientList(self, build, event_name)
  • build – A Build object
  • event_name (string) – the name of the event trigger for this invocation. either ‘new’ or ‘finished’


The deferred should return a dictionary containing the key(s) ‘id_or_email’ for a private user message and/or ‘room_id_or_name’ for room notifications.

getMessage(self, build, event_name)
  • build – A Build object
  • event_name (string) – the name of the event trigger for this invocation. either ‘new’ or ‘finished’


The deferred should return a string to send to Hipchat.

getExtraParams(self, build, event_name)
  • build – A Build object
  • event_name (string) – the name of the event trigger for this invocation. either ‘new’ or ‘finished’


The deferred should return a dictionary containing any extra parameters you wish to include in your JSON POST request that the Hipchat API can consume.

Here’s a complete example:

class MyHipchatStatusPush(HipChatStatusPush):
    name = "MyHipchatStatusPush"

    # send all messages to the same room
    def getRecipientList(self, build, event_name):
        return {
            'room_id_or_name': 'AllBuildNotifications'

    # only send notifications on finished events
    def getMessage(self, build, event_name):
        event_messages = {
            'finished': 'Build finished.'
        return event_messages.get(event_name, '')

    # color notifications based on the build result
    # and alert room on build failure
    def getExtraParams(self, build, event_name):
        result = {}
        if event_name == 'finished':
            result['color'] = 'green' if build['results'] == 0 else 'red'
            result['notify'] = (build['results'] != 0)
        return result GerritVerifyStatusPush

class buildbot.status.status_gerrit_verify_status.GerritVerifyStatusPush

GerritVerifyStatusPush sends a verify status to Gerrit using the verify-status Gerrit plugin.

It is an alternate method to GerritStatusPush, which uses the SSH API to send reviews.

The verify-status plugin allows several CI statuses to be sent for the same change, and display them separately in the Gerrit UI.

Most parameters are renderables

baseURL, auth,
startDescription="Build started.", endDescription="Build done.",
verification_name=Interpolate("%(prop:buildername)s"), abstain=False, category=None, reporter=None,
verbose=False, **kwargs)
  • baseURL (string) – Gerrit HTTP base URL
  • auth (string) – a requests authentication configuration. (can be a Secret) if Gerrit is configured with BasicAuth, then it shall be ('login', 'password') if Gerrit is configured with DigestAuth, then it shall be requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth('login', 'password') from the requests module.
  • string startDescription (renderable) – the comment sent when the build is starting.
  • string endDescription (renderable) – the comment sent when the build is finishing.
  • string verification_name (renderable) – the name of the job displayed in the Gerrit UI.
  • boolean abstain (renderable) – whether this results should be counted as voting.
  • boolean category (renderable) – Category of the build.
  • boolean reporter (renderable) – The user that verified this build
  • verbose (boolean) – Whether to log every requests.
  • builders (list) – only send update for specified builders
  • verify (boolean) – disable ssl verification for the case you use temporary self signed certificates
  • debug (boolean) – logs every requests and their response

This reporter is integrated with GerritChangeSource, and will update changes detected by this change source.

This reporter can also send reports for changes triggered manually provided that there is a property in the build named gerrit_changes, containing the list of changes that were tested. This property must be a list of dictionaries, containing change_id and revision_id keys, as defined in the revision endpoints of the Gerrit documentation