.. bb:cfg:: status .. _Status-Targets: Status Targets -------------- .. contents:: :depth: 2 :local: The Buildmaster has a variety of ways to present build status to various users. Each such delivery method is a `Status Target` object in the configuration's :bb:cfg:`status` list. To add status targets, you just append more objects to this list:: from buildbot.plugins import status c['status'] = [] c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(http_port=8010)) m = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@localhost", extraRecipients=["builds@lists.example.com"], sendToInterestedUsers=False) c['status'].append(m) c['status'].append(status.IRC(host="irc.example.com", nick="bb", channels=[{"channel": "#example1"}, {"channel": "#example2", "password": "somesecretpassword"}])) Most status delivery objects take a ``tags=`` argument, which can contain a list of `tag` names: in this case, it will only show status for Builders that have one of the named tags. .. note:: Implementation Note Each of these objects should be a :class:`service.MultiService` which will be attached to the BuildMaster object when the configuration is processed. They should use ``self.parent.getStatus()`` to get access to the top-level :class:`IStatus` object, either inside :meth:`startService` or later. They may call :meth:`status.subscribe()` in :meth:`startService` to receive notifications of builder events, in which case they must define :meth:`builderAdded` and related methods. See the docstrings in :file:`buildbot/interfaces.py` for full details. The remainder of this section describes each built-in status target. A full list of status targets is available in the :bb:index:`status`. .. bb:status:: WebStatus WebStatus ~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: buildbot.status.web.baseweb.WebStatus The :class:`buildbot.status.html.WebStatus` status target runs a small web server inside the buildmaster. You can point a browser at this web server and retrieve information about every build the buildbot knows about, as well as find out what the buildbot is currently working on. The first page you will see is the *Welcome Page*, which contains links to all the other useful pages. By default, this page is served from the :file:`status/web/templates/root.html` file in buildbot's library area. One of the most complex resource provided by :class:`WebStatus` is the *Waterfall Display*, which shows a time-based chart of events. This somewhat-busy display provides detailed information about all steps of all recent builds, and provides hyperlinks to look at individual build logs and source changes. By simply reloading this page on a regular basis, you will see a complete description of everything the buildbot is currently working on. A similar, but more developer-oriented display is the `Grid` display. This arranges builds by :class:`SourceStamp` (horizontal axis) and builder (vertical axis), and can provide quick information as to which revisions are passing or failing on which builders. There are also pages with more specialized information. For example, there is a page which shows the last 20 builds performed by the buildbot, one line each. Each line is a link to detailed information about that build. By adding query arguments to the URL used to reach this page, you can narrow the display to builds that involved certain branches, or which ran on certain :class:`Builder`\s. These pages are described in great detail below. Configuration +++++++++++++ The simplest possible configuration for WebStatus is:: from buildbot.plugins import status c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(8080)) Buildbot uses a templating system for the web interface. The source of these templates can be found in the :file:`status/web/templates/` directory in buildbot's library area. You can override these templates by creating alternate versions in a :file:`templates/` directory within the buildmaster's base directory. If that isn't enough you can also provide additional Jinja2 template loaders:: import jinja2 myloaders = [ jinja2.FileSystemLoader("/tmp/mypath"), ] c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... jinja_loaders = myloaders )) The first time a buildmaster is created, the :file:`public_html/` directory is populated with some sample files, which you will probably want to customize for your own project. These files are all static: the Buildbot does not modify them in any way as it serves them to HTTP clients. Templates in :file:`templates/` take precedence over static files in :file:`public_html/`. The initial :file:`robots.txt` file has Disallow lines for all of the dynamically-generated buildbot pages, to discourage web spiders and search engines from consuming a lot of CPU time as they crawl through the entire history of your buildbot. If you are running the buildbot behind a reverse proxy, you'll probably need to put the :file:`robots.txt` file somewhere else (at the top level of the parent web server), and replace the URL prefixes in it with more suitable values. If you would like to use an alternative root directory, add the ``public_html=`` option to the :class:`WebStatus` creation:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(8080, public_html="/var/www/buildbot")) In addition, if you are familiar with twisted.web *Resource Trees*, you can write code to add additional pages at places inside this web space. Just use :meth:`webstatus.putChild` to place these resources. The following section describes the special URLs and the status views they provide. Buildbot Web Resources ++++++++++++++++++++++ Certain URLs are `magic`, and the pages they serve are created by code in various classes in the :file:`buildbot.status.web` package instead of being read from disk. The most common way to access these pages is for the buildmaster admin to write or modify the :file:`index.html` page to contain links to them. Of course other project web pages can contain links to these buildbot pages as well. Many pages can be modified by adding query arguments to the URL. For example, a page which shows the results of the most recent build normally does this for all builders at once. But by appending ``?builder=i386`` to the end of the URL, the page will show only the results for the `i386` builder. When used in this way, you can add multiple ``builder=`` arguments to see multiple builders. Remembering that URL query arguments are separated *from each other* with ampersands, a URL that ends in ``?builder=i386&builder=ppc`` would show builds for just those two Builders. The ``branch=`` query argument can be used on some pages. This filters the information displayed by that page down to only the builds or changes which involved the given branch. Use ``branch=trunk`` to reference the trunk: if you aren't intentionally using branches, you're probably using trunk. Multiple ``branch=`` arguments can be used to examine multiple branches at once (so appending ``?branch=foo&branch=bar`` to the URL will show builds involving either branch). No ``branch=`` arguments means to show builds and changes for all branches. Some pages may include the Builder name or the build number in the main part of the URL itself. For example, a page that describes Build #7 of the `i386` builder would live at :file:`/builders/i386/builds/7`. The table below lists all of the internal pages and the URLs that can be used to access them. ``/waterfall`` This provides a chronologically-oriented display of the activity of all builders. It is the same display used by the Waterfall display. By adding one or more ``builder=`` query arguments, the Waterfall is restricted to only showing information about the given Builders. By adding one or more ``branch=`` query arguments, the display is restricted to showing information about the given branches. In addition, adding one or more ``tag=`` query arguments to the URL will limit the display to Builders that were defined with one of the given tags. A ``show_events=true`` query argument causes the display to include non-:class:`Build` events, like slaves attaching and detaching, as well as reconfiguration events. ``show_events=false`` hides these events. The default is to show them. By adding the ``failures_only=true`` query argument, the Waterfall is restricted to only showing information about the builders that are currently failing. A builder is considered failing if the last finished build was not successful, a step in the current build(s) is failing, or if the builder is offline. The ``last_time=``, ``first_time=``, and ``show_time=`` arguments will control what interval of time is displayed. The default is to show the latest events, but these can be used to look at earlier periods in history. The ``num_events=`` argument also provides a limit on the size of the displayed page. The Waterfall has references to resources many of the other portions of the URL space: :file:`/builders` for access to individual builds, :file:`/changes` for access to information about source code changes, etc. ``/grid`` This provides a chronologically oriented display of builders, by revision. The builders are listed down the left side of the page, and the revisions are listed across the top. By adding one or more ``tag=`` arguments the grid will be restricted to builders with those tags. A :samp:`width={N}` argument will limit the number of revisions shown to *N*, defaulting to 5. A :samp:`branch={BRANCHNAME}` argument will limit the grid to revisions on branch *BRANCHNAME*. ``/tgrid`` The Transposed Grid is similar to the standard grid, but, as the name implies, transposes the grid: the revisions are listed down the left side of the page, and the build hosts are listed across the top. It accepts the same query arguments. The exception being that instead of ``width`` the argument is named ``length``. This page also has a ``rev_order=`` query argument that lets you change in what order revisions are shown. Valid values are ``asc`` (ascending, oldest revision first) and ``desc`` (descending, newest revision first). ``/console`` EXPERIMENTAL: This provides a developer-oriented display of the last changes and how they affected the builders. It allows a developer to quickly see the status of each builder for the first build including his or her change. A green box means that the change succeeded for all the steps for a given builder. A red box means that the changed introduced a new regression on a builder. An orange box means that at least one of the tests failed, but it was also failing in the previous build, so it is not possible to see if there were any regressions from this change. Finally a yellow box means that the test is in progress. By adding one or more ``builder=`` query arguments, the Console view is restricted to only showing information about the given Builders. Adding a ``repository=`` argument will limit display to a given repository. By adding one or more ``branch=`` query arguments, the display is restricted to showing information about the given branches. In addition, adding one or more ``tag=`` query arguments to the URL will limit the display to Builders that were defined with one of the given tags. With the ``project=`` query argument, it's possible to restrict the view to changes from the given project. With the ``codebase=`` query argument, it's possible to restrict the view to changes for the given codebase. By adding one or more ``name=`` query arguments to the URL, the console view is restricted to only showing changes made by the given users. NOTE: To use this page, your :file:`buildbot.css` file in :file:`public_html` must be the one found in :bb:src:`master/buildbot/status/web/files/default.css`. This is the default for new installs, but upgrades of very old installs of Buildbot may need to manually fix the CSS file. The console view is still in development. At this moment by default the view sorts revisions lexically, which can lead to odd behavior with non-integer revisions (e.g., Git), or with integer revisions of different length (e.g., 999 and 1000). It also has some issues with displaying multiple branches at the same time. If you do have multiple branches, you should use the ``branch=`` query argument. The ``order_console_by_time`` option may help sorting revisions, although it depends on the date being set correctly in each commit:: w = status.WebStatus(http_port=8080, order_console_by_time=True) ``/rss`` This provides a rss feed summarizing all failed builds. The same query-arguments used by 'waterfall' can be added to filter the feed output. ``/atom`` This provides an atom feed summarizing all failed builds. The same query-arguments used by 'waterfall' can be added to filter the feed output. ``/json`` This view provides quick access to Buildbot status information in a form that is easily digested from other programs, including JavaScript. See ``/json/help`` for detailed interactive documentation of the output formats for this view. :samp:`/buildstatus?builder=${BUILDERNAME}&number=${BUILDNUM}` This displays a waterfall-like chronologically-oriented view of all the steps for a given build number on a given builder. :samp:`/builders/${BUILDERNAME}` This describes the given :class:`Builder` and provides buttons to force a build. A ``numbuilds=`` argument will control how many build lines are displayed (5 by default). This page also accepts property filters of the form ``property.${PROPERTYNAME}=${PROPERTVALUE}``. When used, only builds and build requests which have properties with matching string representations will be shown. :samp:`/builders/${BUILDERNAME}/builds/${BUILDNUM}` This describes a specific Build. :samp:`/builders/${BUILDERNAME}/builds/${BUILDNUM}/steps/${STEPNAME}` This describes a specific BuildStep. :samp:`/builders/${BUILDERNAME}/builds/${BUILDNUM}/steps/${STEPNAME}/logs/${LOGNAME}` This provides an HTML representation of a specific logfile. :samp:`/builders/${BUILDERNAME}/builds/${BUILDNUM}/steps/${STEPNAME}/logs/${LOGNAME}/text` This returns the logfile as plain text, without any HTML coloring markup. It also removes the `headers`, which are the lines that describe what command was run and what the environment variable settings were like. This maybe be useful for saving to disk and feeding to tools like :command:`grep`. ``/changes`` This provides a brief description of the :class:`ChangeSource` in use (see :ref:`Change-Sources`). :samp:`/changes/{NN}` This shows detailed information about the numbered :class:`Change`: who was the author, what files were changed, what revision number was represented, etc. ``/buildslaves`` This summarizes each :class:`BuildSlave`, including which `Builder`\s are configured to use it, whether the buildslave is currently connected or not, and host information retrieved from the buildslave itself. A ``no_builders=1`` URL argument will omit the builders column. This is useful if each buildslave is assigned to a large number of builders. ``/one_line_per_build`` This page shows one line of text for each build, merging information from all :class:`Builder`\s [#]_. Each line specifies the name of the Builder, the number of the :class:`Build`, what revision it used, and a summary of the results. Successful builds are in green, while failing builds are in red. The date and time of the build are added to the right-hand edge of the line. The lines are ordered by build finish timestamp. One or more ``builder=`` or ``branch=`` arguments can be used to restrict the list. In addition, a ``numbuilds=`` argument will control how many lines are displayed (20 by default). ``/builders`` This page shows a small table, with one box for each :class:`Builder`, containing the results of the most recent :class:`Build`. It does not show the individual steps, or the current status. This is a simple summary of buildbot status: if this page is green, then all tests are passing. As with ``/one_line_per_build``, this page will also honor ``builder=`` and ``branch=`` arguments. ``/png`` This view produces an image in png format with information about the last build for the given builder name or whatever other build number if is passed as an argument to the view. :samp:`/png?builder=${BUILDERNAME}&number=$BUILDNUM&size=large` This generate a large png image reporting the status of the given $BUILDNUM for the given builder $BUILDERNAME. The sizes are `small`, `normal` and `large` if no size is given the `normal` size is returned, if no $BUILDNUM is given the last build is returned. For example: .. image:: ../_images/success_normal.png :samp:`/png?builder=${BUILDERNAME}&revision=$REVHASH&size=large` This generate a large png image reporting the status of the build of the given $REVHASH for the given builder $BUILDERNAME. If both number and revision are specified revision will be ignored. $REVHASH must be the full length hash not the short one. .. note:: Buildbot stores old build details in pickle files so it's a good idea to enable cache if you are planning to actively search build statuses by revision. ``/users`` This page exists for authentication reasons when checking ``showUsersPage``. It'll redirect to ``/authfail`` on ``False``, ``/users/table`` on ``True``, and give a username/password login prompt on ``'auth'``. Passing or failing results redirect to the same pages as ``False`` and ``True``. ``/users/table`` This page shows a table containing users that are stored in the database. It has columns for their respective ``uid`` and ``identifier`` values, with the ``uid`` values being clickable for more detailed information relating to a user. ``/users/table/{NN}`` Shows all the attributes stored in the database relating to the user with uid ``{NN}`` in a table. ``/about`` This page gives a brief summary of the Buildbot itself: software version, versions of some libraries that the Buildbot depends upon, etc. It also contains a link to the buildbot.net home page. There is also a set of web-status resources that are intended for use by other programs, rather than humans. ``/change_hook`` This provides an endpoint for web-based source change notification. It is used by GitHub and contrib/post_build_request.py. See :ref:`Change-Hooks` for more details. WebStatus Configuration Parameters ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HTTP Connection ############### The most common way to run a :class:`WebStatus` is on a regular TCP port. To do this, just pass in the TCP port number when you create the :class:`WebStatus` instance; this is called the ``http_port`` argument:: from buildbot.plugins import status c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(http_port=8080)) The ``http_port`` argument is actually a `strports specification` for the port that the web server should listen on. This can be a simple port number, or a string like ``http_port="tcp:8080:interface="`` (to limit connections to the loopback interface, and therefore to clients running on the same host) [#]_. If instead (or in addition) you provide the ``distrib_port`` argument, a twisted.web distributed server will be started either on a TCP port (if ``distrib_port`` is like ``"tcp:12345"``) or more likely on a UNIX socket (if ``distrib_port`` is like ``"unix:/path/to/socket"``). The ``public_html`` option gives the path to a regular directory of HTML files that will be displayed alongside the various built-in URLs buildbot supplies. This is most often used to supply CSS files (:file:`/buildbot.css`) and a top-level navigational file (:file:`/index.html`), but can also serve any other files required - even build results! .. _Authorization: Authorization ############# The buildbot web status is, by default, read-only. It displays lots of information, but users are not allowed to affect the operation of the buildmaster. However, there are a number of supported activities that can be enabled, and Buildbot can also perform rudimentary username/password authentication. The actions are: ``view`` view buildbot web status ``forceBuild`` force a particular builder to begin building, optionally with a specific revision, branch, etc. ``forceAllBuilds`` force *all* builders to start building ``pingBuilder`` "ping" a builder's buildslaves to check that they are alive ``gracefulShutdown`` gracefully shut down a slave when it is finished with its current build ``pauseSlave`` temporarily stop running new builds on a slave ``stopBuild`` stop a running build ``stopAllBuilds`` stop all running builds ``cancelPendingBuild`` cancel a build that has not yet started ``cancelAllPendingBuilds`` cancel all or selected subset of builds that has not yet started ``stopChange`` cancel builds that include a given change number ``cleanShutdown`` shut down the master gracefully, without interrupting builds ``showUsersPage`` access to page displaying users in the database, see :ref:`User-Objects` For each of these actions, you can configure buildbot to never allow the action, always allow the action, allow the action to any authenticated user, or check with a function of your creation to determine whether the action is OK (see below). This is all configured with the :class:`Authz` class:: from buildbot.plugins import status, util authz = util.Authz(forceBuild=True, stopBuild=True) c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(http_port=8080, authz=authz)) Each of the actions listed above is an option to :class:`Authz`. You can specify ``False`` (the default) to prohibit that action or ``True`` to enable it. Or you can specify a callable. Each such callable will take a username as its first argument. The remaining arguments vary depending on the type of authorization request. For ``forceBuild``, the second argument is the builder status. Authentication ############## If you do not wish to allow strangers to perform actions, but do want developers to have such access, you will need to add some authentication support. Pass an instance of :class:`status.web.auth.IAuth` as a ``auth`` keyword argument to :class:`Authz`, and specify the action as ``"auth"``. :: from buildbot.plugins import status, util users = [ ('bob', 'secret-pass'), ('jill', 'super-pass') ] authz = util.Authz(auth=util.BasicAuth(users), forceBuild='auth', # only authenticated users pingBuilder=True, # but anyone can do this ) c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(http_port=8080, authz=authz)) # or auth = util.HTPasswdAuth('/path/to/htpasswd') # or auth = util.UsersAuth() The class :class:`BasicAuth` implements a basic authentication mechanism using a list of user/password tuples provided from the configuration file. The class `HTPasswdAuth` implements an authentication against an :file:`.htpasswd` file. The `HTPasswdAprAuth` a subclass of `HTPasswdAuth` use libaprutil for authenticating. This adds support for apr1/md5 and sha1 password hashes but requires libaprutil at runtime. The :class:`UsersAuth` works with :ref:`User-Objects` to check for valid user credentials. If you need still-more flexibility, pass a function for the authentication action. That function will be called with an authenticated username and some action-specific arguments, and should return true if the action is authorized. :: def canForceBuild(username, builder_status): if builder_status.getName() == 'smoketest': return True # any authenticated user can run smoketest elif username == 'releng': return True # releng can force whatever they want else: return False # otherwise, no way. authz = util.Authz(auth=util.BasicAuth(users), forceBuild=canForceBuild) The ``forceBuild`` and ``pingBuilder`` actions both supply a :class:`BuilderStatus` object. The ``stopBuild`` action supplies a :class:`BuildStatus` object. The ``cancelPendingBuild`` action supplies a :class:`BuildRequest`. The remainder do not supply any extra arguments. HTTP-based authentication by frontend server ############################################ In case if WebStatus is served through reverse proxy that supports HTTP-based authentication (like apache, lighttpd), it's possible to to tell WebStatus to trust web server and get username from request headers. This allows displaying correct usernames in build reason, interrupt messages, etc. Just set ``useHttpHeader`` to ``True`` in :class:`Authz` constructor. :: authz = util.Authz(useHttpHeader=True) # WebStatus secured by web frontend with HTTP auth Please note that WebStatus can decode password for HTTP Basic requests only (for Digest authentication it's just impossible). Custom :class:`status.web.auth.IAuth` subclasses may just ignore password at all since it's already validated by web server. Administrator must make sure that it's impossible to get access to WebStatus using other way than through frontend. Usually this means that WebStatus should listen for incoming connections only on localhost (or on some firewall-protected port). Frontend must require HTTP authentication to access WebStatus pages (using any source for credentials, such as htpasswd, PAM, LDAP). If you allow unauthenticated access through frontend as well, it's possible to specify a ``httpLoginUrl`` which will be rendered on the WebStatus for unauthenticated users as a link named Login. :: authz = util.Authz(useHttpHeader=True, httpLoginUrl='https://buildbot.example.org/login') A configuration example with Apache HTTPD as reverse proxy could look like the following. :: authz = util.Authz(useHttpHeader=True, httpLoginUrl='https://buildbot.example.org/login', auth=util.HTPasswdAprAuth('/var/www/htpasswd'), forceBuild='auth') Corresponding Apache configuration. .. code-block:: apache ProxyPass / AuthType Basic AuthName "Buildbot" AuthUserFile /var/www/htpasswd Require valid-user RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ^https?://([^/]+)/(.*)$ RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%1/%2 [R,L] Logging configuration ##################### The `WebStatus` uses a separate log file (:file:`http.log`) to avoid clutter buildbot's default log (:file:`twistd.log`) with request/response messages. This log is also, by default, rotated in the same way as the twistd.log file, but you can also customize the rotation logic with the following parameters if you need a different behaviour. ``rotateLength`` An integer defining the file size at which log files are rotated. ``maxRotatedFiles`` The maximum number of old log files to keep. URL-decorating options ###################### These arguments adds an URL link to various places in the WebStatus, such as revisions, repositories, projects and, optionally, ticket/bug references in change comments. revlink ''''''' The ``revlink`` argument on :class:`WebStatus` is deprecated in favour of the global :bb:cfg:`revlink` option. Only use this if you need to generate different URLs for different web status instances. In addition to a callable like :bb:cfg:`revlink`, this argument accepts a format string or a dict mapping a string (repository name) to format strings. The format string should use ``%s`` to insert the revision id in the url. For example, for Buildbot on GitHub:: revlink='http://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/tree/%s' The revision ID will be URL encoded before inserted in the replacement string changecommentlink ''''''''''''''''' The ``changecommentlink`` argument can be used to create links to ticket-ids from change comments (i.e. #123). The argument can either be a tuple of three strings, a dictionary mapping strings (project names) to tuples or a callable taking a changetext (a :class:`jinja2.Markup` instance) and a project name, returning a the same change text with additional links/html tags added to it. If the tuple is used, it should contain three strings where the first element is a regex that searches for strings (with match groups), the second is a replace-string that, when substituted with ``\1`` etc, yields the URL and the third is the title attribute of the link. (The ```` is added by the system.) So, for Trac tickets (#42, etc): ``changecommentlink(r"#(\d+)", r"http://buildbot.net/trac/ticket/\1", r"Ticket \g<0>")`` . projects '''''''' A dictionary from strings to strings, mapping project names to URLs, or a callable taking a project name and returning an URL. repositories '''''''''''' Same as the projects arg above, a dict or callable mapping project names to URLs. Display-Specific Options ######################## The ``order_console_by_time`` option affects the rendering of the console; see the description of the console above. The ``numbuilds`` option determines the number of builds that most status displays will show. It can usually be overriden in the URL, e.g., ``?numbuilds=13``. The ``num_events`` option gives the default number of events that the waterfall will display. The ``num_events_max`` gives the maximum number of events displayed, even if the web browser requests more. .. _Change-Hooks: Change Hooks ++++++++++++ The ``/change_hook`` url is a magic URL which will accept HTTP requests and translate them into changes for buildbot. Implementations (such as a trivial json-based endpoint and a GitHub implementation) can be found in :bb:src:`master/buildbot/status/web/hooks`. The format of the url is :samp:`/change_hook/{DIALECT}` where DIALECT is a package within the hooks directory. Change_hook is disabled by default and each DIALECT has to be enabled separately, for security reasons. An example WebStatus configuration line which enables change_hook and two DIALECTS:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(http_port=8010, allowForce=True, change_hook_dialects={ 'base': True, 'somehook': {'option1': True, 'option2': False}})) Within the WebStatus arguments, the ``change_hook`` key enables/disables the module and ``change_hook_dialects`` whitelists DIALECTs where the keys are the module names and the values are optional arguments which will be passed to the hooks. The :file:`post_build_request.py` script in :file:`master/contrib` allows for the submission of an arbitrary change request. Run :command:`post_build_request.py --help` for more information. The ``base`` dialect must be enabled for this to work. .. _GitHub-hook: GitHub hook ########### .. note:: There is a standalone HTTP server available for receiving GitHub notifications as well: :file:`contrib/github_buildbot.py`. This script may be useful in cases where you cannot expose the WebStatus for public consumption. The GitHub hook has the following parameters: ``secret`` (default `None`) Secret token to use to validate payloads ``strict`` (default `False`) If the hook must be strict regarding valid payloads. If the value is `False` (default), the signature will only be checked if a secret is specified and a signature was supplied with the payload. If the value is `True`, a secret must be provided, and payloads without signature will be ignored. ``codebase`` (default `None`) The codebase value to include with created changes. If the value is a function (or any other callable), it will be called with the GitHub event payload as argument and the function must return the codebase value to use for the event. ``class`` (default `None`) A class to be used for processing incoming payloads. If the value is `None` (default), the default class -- :py:class:`buildbot.status.web.hooks.github.GitHubEventHandler` -- will be used. The default class handles `ping`, `push` and `pull_request` events only. If you'd like to handle other events (see `Event Types & Payloads `_ for more information), you'd need to subclass `GitHubEventHandler` and add handler methods for the corresponding events. For example, if you'd like to handle `blah` events, your code should look something like this:: from buildbot.status.web.hooks.github import GitHubEventHandler class MyBlahHandler(GitHubEventHandler): def handle_blah(self, payload): # Do some magic here return [], 'git' The simples way to use GitHub hook is as follows: .. code-block:: python c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(..., change_hook_dialects={'github': {}}, ...)) Having added this line, you should add a webhook for your GitHub project (see `Creating Webhooks page at GitHub `_). The parameters are: :guilabel:`Payload URL` This URL should point to ``/change_hook/github`` relative to the root of the web status. For example, if the grid URL is ``http://builds.example.com/bbot/grid``, then point GitHub to ``http://builds.example.com/bbot/change_hook/github``. To specify a project associated to the repository, append ``?project=name`` to the URL. :guilabel:`Content Type` Specify ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``. JSON is not currently not supported. :guilabel:`Secret` Any value. If you provide a non-empty value (recommended), make sure that your hook is configured to use it: .. code-block:: python c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(..., change_hook_dialects={ 'github': { 'secret': 'MY-SECRET', 'strict': True } }, ...)) :guilabel:`Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?` Leave the default -- ``Just the push event`` -- other kind of events are not currently supported. And then press the ``Add Webhook`` button. .. warning:: The incoming HTTP requests for this hook are not authenticated by default. If you do not specify a secret, anyone who can access the web status can "fake" a request from GitHub, potentially causing the buildmaster to run arbitrary code. To protect URL against unauthorized access you either specify a secret, or you should use ``change_hook_auth`` option:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(..., change_hook_auth=["file:changehook.passwd"], ... )) create a file ``changehook.passwd``: .. code-block:: none user:password and change the the ``Payload URL`` of your GitHub webhook to ``http://user:password@builds.example.com/bbot/change_hook/github``. See the `documentation for twisted cred `_ for more options to pass to ``change_hook_auth``. Note that not using ``change_hook_auth`` may expose you to security risks. BitBucket hook ############## The BitBucket hook is as simple as GitHub one and it also takes no options. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(..., change_hook_dialects={'bitbucket': True})) When this is setup you should add a `POST` service pointing to ``/change_hook/bitbucket`` relative to the root of the web status. For example, it the grid URL is ``http://builds.mycompany.com/bbot/grid``, then point BitBucket to ``http://builds.mycompany.com/change_hook/bitbucket``. To specify a project associated to the repository, append ``?project=name`` to the URL. Note that there is a satandalone HTTP server available for receiving BitBucket notifications, as well: :file:`contrib/bitbucket_buildbot.py`. This script may be useful in cases where you cannot expose the WebStatus for public consumption. .. warning:: As in the previous case, the incoming HTTP requests for this hook are not authenticated bu default. Anyone who can access the web status can "fake" a request from BitBucket, potentially causing the buildmaster to run arbitrary code. To protect URL against unauthorized access you should use ``change_hook_auth`` option. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus(..., change_hook_auth=["file:changehook.passwd"])) Then, create a BitBucket service hook (see https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/POST+Service+Management) with a WebHook URL like ``http://user:password@builds.mycompany.com/bbot/change_hook/bitbucket``. Note that as before, not using ``change_hook_auth`` can expose you to security risks. Google Code hook ################ The Google Code hook is quite similar to the GitHub Hook. It has one option for the "Post-Commit Authentication Key" used to check if the request is legitimate:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_dialects={'googlecode': {'secret_key': 'FSP3p-Ghdn4T0oqX'}} )) This will add a "Post-Commit URL" for the project in the Google Code administrative interface, pointing to ``/change_hook/googlecode`` relative to the root of the web status. Alternatively, you can use the :ref:`GoogleCodeAtomPoller` :class:`ChangeSource` that periodically poll the Google Code commit feed for changes. .. note:: Google Code doesn't send the branch on which the changes were made. So, the hook always returns ``'default'`` as the branch, you can override it with the ``'branch'`` option:: change_hook_dialects={'googlecode': {'secret_key': 'FSP3p-Ghdn4T0oqX', 'branch': 'master'}} Poller hook ########### The poller hook allows you to use GET or POST requests to trigger polling. One advantage of this is your buildbot instance can poll at launch (using the pollAtLaunch flag) to get changes that happened while it was down, but then you can still use a commit hook to get fast notification of new changes. Suppose you have a poller configured like this:: c['change_source'] = SVNPoller( svnurl="https://amanda.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amanda/amanda", split_file=split_file_branches, pollInterval=24*60*60, pollAtLaunch=True) And you configure your WebStatus to enable this hook:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_dialects={'poller': True} )) Then you will be able to trigger a poll of the SVN repository by poking the ``/change_hook/poller`` URL from a commit hook like this: .. code-block:: bash curl -s -F poller=https://amanda.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amanda/amanda \ http://yourbuildbot/change_hook/poller If no ``poller`` argument is provided then the hook will trigger polling of all polling change sources. You can restrict which pollers the webhook has access to using the ``allowed`` option:: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_dialects={'poller': {'allowed': ['https://amanda.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/amanda/amanda']}} )) GitLab hook ########### The GitLab hook is as simple as GitHub one and it also takes no options. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_dialects={ 'gitlab' : True } )) When this is setup you should add a `POST` service pointing to ``/change_hook/gitlab`` relative to the root of the web status. For example, it the grid URL is ``http://builds.mycompany.com/bbot/grid``, then point GitLab to ``http://builds.mycompany.com/change_hook/gitlab``. The project and/or codebase can also be passed in the URL by appending ``?project=name`` or ``?codebase=foo`` to the URL. These parameters will be passed along to the scheduler. .. warning:: As in the previous case, the incoming HTTP requests for this hook are not authenticated bu default. Anyone who can access the web status can "fake" a request from your GitLab server, potentially causing the buildmaster to run arbitrary code. To protect URL against unauthorized access you should use ``change_hook_auth`` option. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_auth=["file:changehook.passwd"] )) Then, create a GitLab service hook (see https://your.gitlab.server/help/web_hooks) with a WebHook URL like ``http://user:password@builds.mycompany.com/bbot/change_hook/gitlab``. Note that as before, not using ``change_hook_auth`` can expose you to security risks. Gitorious Hook ############## The Gitorious hook is as simple as GitHub one and it also takes no options. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_dialects={'gitorious': True} )) When this is setup you should add a `POST` service pointing to ``/change_hook/gitorious`` relative to the root of the web status. For example, it the grid URL is ``http://builds.example.com/bbot/grid``, then point Gitorious to ``http://builds.example.com/change_hook/gitorious``. .. warning:: As in the previous case, the incoming HTTP requests for this hook are not authenticated by default. Anyone who can access the web status can "fake" a request from your Gitorious server, potentially causing the buildmaster to run arbitrary code. To protect URL against unauthorized access you should use ``change_hook_auth`` option. :: c['status'].append(status.WebStatus( # ... change_hook_auth=["file:changehook.passwd"] )) Then, create a Gitorious web hook (see http://gitorious.org/gitorious/pages/WebHooks) with a WebHook URL like ``http://user:password@builds.example.com/bbot/change_hook/gitorious``. Note that as before, not using ``change_hook_auth`` can expose you to security risks. .. note:: Web hooks are only available for local Gitorious installations, since this feature is not offered as part of Gitorious.org yet. .. bb:status:: MailNotifier .. index:: single: email; MailNotifier MailNotifier ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: buildbot.status.mail.MailNotifier The buildbot can also send email when builds finish. The most common use of this is to tell developers when their change has caused the build to fail. It is also quite common to send a message to a mailing list (usually named `builds` or similar) about every build. The :class:`MailNotifier` status target is used to accomplish this. You configure it by specifying who mail should be sent to, under what circumstances mail should be sent, and how to deliver the mail. It can be configured to only send out mail for certain builders, and only send messages when the build fails, or when the builder transitions from success to failure. It can also be configured to include various build logs in each message. If a proper lookup function is configured, the message will be sent to the "interested users" list (:ref:`Doing-Things-With-Users`), which includes all developers who made changes in the build. By default, however, Buildbot does not know how to construct an email addressed based on the information from the version control system. See the ``lookup`` argument, below, for more information. You can add additional, statically-configured, recipients with the ``extraRecipients`` argument. You can also add interested users by setting the ``owners`` build property to a list of users in the scheduler constructor (:ref:`Configuring-Schedulers`). Each :class:`MailNotifier` sends mail to a single set of recipients. To send different kinds of mail to different recipients, use multiple :class:`MailNotifier`\s. The following simple example will send an email upon the completion of each build, to just those developers whose :class:`Change`\s were included in the build. The email contains a description of the :class:`Build`, its results, and URLs where more information can be obtained. :: from buildbot.plugins import status mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@example.org", lookup="example.org") c['status'].append(mn) To get a simple one-message-per-build (say, for a mailing list), use the following form instead. This form does not send mail to individual developers (and thus does not need the ``lookup=`` argument, explained below), instead it only ever sends mail to the `extra recipients` named in the arguments:: mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@example.org", sendToInterestedUsers=False, extraRecipients=['listaddr@example.org']) If your SMTP host requires authentication before it allows you to send emails, this can also be done by specifying ``smtpUser`` and ``smtpPassword``:: mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="myuser@gmail.com", sendToInterestedUsers=False, extraRecipients=["listaddr@example.org"], relayhost="smtp.gmail.com", smtpPort=587, smtpUser="myuser@gmail.com", smtpPassword="mypassword") If you want to require Transport Layer Security (TLS), then you can also set ``useTls``:: mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="myuser@gmail.com", sendToInterestedUsers=False, extraRecipients=["listaddr@example.org"], useTls=True, relayhost="smtp.gmail.com", smtpPort=587, smtpUser="myuser@gmail.com", smtpPassword="mypassword") .. note:: If you see ``twisted.mail.smtp.TLSRequiredError`` exceptions in the log while using TLS, this can be due *either* to the server not supporting TLS or to a missing `PyOpenSSL`_ package on the buildmaster system. In some cases it is desirable to have different information then what is provided in a standard MailNotifier message. For this purpose MailNotifier provides the argument ``messageFormatter`` (a function) which allows for the creation of messages with unique content. For example, if only short emails are desired (e.g., for delivery to phones):: from buildbot.plugins import util, status def messageFormatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status): result = util.Results[results] text = list() text.append("STATUS: %s" % result.title()) return { 'body' : "\n".join(text), 'type' : 'plain' } mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@example.org", sendToInterestedUsers=False, mode=('problem',), extraRecipients=['listaddr@example.org'], messageFormatter=messageFormatter) Another example of a function delivering a customized html email containing the last 80 log lines of logs of the last build step that finished is given below:: from buildbot.plugins import util, status import cgi import datetime def html_message_formatter(mode, name, build, results, master_status): """Provide a customized message to Buildbot's MailNotifier. The last 80 lines of the log are provided as well as the changes relevant to the build. Message content is formatted as html. """ result = util.Results[results] limit_lines = 80 text = list() text.append(u'

Build status: %s

' % result.upper()) text.append(u'') text.append(u"" % build.getSlavename()) if master_status.getURLForThing(build): text.append(u'' % (master_status.getURLForThing(build), master_status.getURLForThing(build)) ) text.append(u'' % build.getReason()) source = u"" for ss in build.getSourceStamps(): if ss.codebase: source += u'%s: ' % ss.codebase if ss.branch: source += u"[branch %s] " % ss.branch if ss.revision: source += ss.revision else: source += u"HEAD" if ss.patch: source += u" (plus patch)" if ss.patch_info: # add patch comment source += u" (%s)" % ss.patch_info[1] text.append(u"" % source) text.append(u"" % ",".join(build.getResponsibleUsers())) text.append(u'
Buildslave for this Build:%s
Complete logs for all build steps:%s
Build Reason:%s
Build Source Stamp:%s
') if ss.changes: text.append(u'

Recent Changes:

') for c in ss.changes: cd = c.asDict() when = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(cd['when'] ).ctime() text.append(u'') text.append(u'' % cd['repository'] ) text.append(u'' % cd['project'] ) text.append(u'' % when) text.append(u'' % cd['who'] ) text.append(u'' % cd['comments'] ) text.append(u'
Changed by:%s
') files = cd['files'] if files: text.append(u'') for file in files: text.append(u'' % file['name'] ) text.append(u'
') text.append(u'
') # get all the steps in build in reversed order rev_steps = reversed(build.getSteps()) # find the last step that finished for step in rev_steps: if step.isFinished(): break # get logs for the last finished step if step.isFinished(): logs = step.getLogs() # No step finished, loop just exhausted itself; so as a special case we fetch all logs else: logs = build.getLogs() # logs within a step are in reverse order. Search back until we find stdio for log in reversed(logs): if log.getName() == 'stdio': break name = "%s.%s" % (log.getStep().getName(), log.getName()) status, _ = log.getStep().getResults() content = log.getText().splitlines() # Note: can be VERY LARGE url = u'%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (master_status.getURLForThing(build), log.getStep().getName(), log.getName()) text.append(u'Detailed log of last build step: %s' % (url, url)) text.append(u'
') text.append(u'

Last %d lines of "%s"

' % (limit_lines, name)) unilist = list() for line in content[len(content)-limit_lines:]: unilist.append(cgi.escape(unicode(line,'utf-8'))) text.append(u'
') text.append(u'

') text.append(u'-The Buildbot') return { 'body': u"\n".join(text), 'type': 'html' } mn = status.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@example.org", sendToInterestedUsers=False, mode=('failing',), extraRecipients=['listaddr@example.org'], messageFormatter=html_message_formatter) MailNotifier arguments ++++++++++++++++++++++ ``fromaddr`` The email address to be used in the 'From' header. ``sendToInterestedUsers`` (boolean) If ``True`` (the default), send mail to all of the Interested Users. If ``False``, only send mail to the ``extraRecipients`` list. ``extraRecipients`` (list of strings) A list of email addresses to which messages should be sent (in addition to the InterestedUsers list, which includes any developers who made :class:`Change`\s that went into this build). It is a good idea to create a small mailing list and deliver to that, then let subscribers come and go as they please. ``subject`` (string) A string to be used as the subject line of the message. ``%(builder)s`` will be replaced with the name of the builder which provoked the message. ``mode`` Mode is a list of strings; however there are two strings which can be used as shortcuts instead of the full lists. The possible shortcuts are: ``all`` Always send mail about builds. Equivalent to (``change``, ``failing``, ``passing``, ``problem``, ``warnings``, ``exception``). ``warnings`` Equivalent to (``warnings``, ``failing``). (list of strings) A combination of: ``change`` Send mail about builds which change status. ``failing`` Send mail about builds which fail. ``passing`` Send mail about builds which succeed. ``problem`` Send mail about a build which failed when the previous build has passed. ``warnings`` Send mail about builds which generate warnings. ``exception`` Send mail about builds which generate exceptions. Defaults to (``failing``, ``passing``, ``warnings``). ``builders`` (list of strings) A list of builder names for which mail should be sent. Defaults to ``None`` (send mail for all builds). Use either builders or tags, but not both. ``tags`` (list of strings) A list of tag names to serve status information for. Defaults to ``None`` (all tags). Use either builders or tags, but not both. ``addLogs`` (boolean) If ``True``, include all build logs as attachments to the messages. These can be quite large. This can also be set to a list of log names, to send a subset of the logs. Defaults to ``False``. ``addPatch`` (boolean) If ``True``, include the patch content if a patch was present. Patches are usually used on a :class:`Try` server. Defaults to ``True``. ``buildSetSummary`` (boolean) If ``True``, send a single summary email consisting of the concatenation of all build completion messages rather than a completion message for each build. Defaults to ``False``. ``relayhost`` (string) The host to which the outbound SMTP connection should be made. Defaults to 'localhost' ``smtpPort`` (int) The port that will be used on outbound SMTP connections. Defaults to 25. ``useTls`` (boolean) When this argument is ``True`` (default is ``False``) ``MailNotifier`` sends emails using TLS and authenticates with the ``relayhost``. When using TLS the arguments ``smtpUser`` and ``smtpPassword`` must also be specified. ``smtpUser`` (string) The user name to use when authenticating with the ``relayhost``. ``smtpPassword`` (string) The password that will be used when authenticating with the ``relayhost``. ``lookup`` (implementor of :class:`IEmailLookup`) Object which provides :class:`IEmailLookup`, which is responsible for mapping User names (which come from the VC system) into valid email addresses. If the argument is not provided, the ``MailNotifier`` will attempt to build the ``sendToInterestedUsers`` from the authors of the Changes that led to the Build via :ref:`User-Objects`. If the author of one of the Build's Changes has an email address stored, it will added to the recipients list. With this method, ``owners`` are still added to the recipients. Note that, in the current implementation of user objects, email addresses are not stored; as a result, unless you have specifically added email addresses to the user database, this functionality is unlikely to actually send any emails. Most of the time you can use a simple Domain instance. As a shortcut, you can pass as string: this will be treated as if you had provided ``Domain(str)``. For example, ``lookup='twistedmatrix.com'`` will allow mail to be sent to all developers whose SVN usernames match their twistedmatrix.com account names. See :file:`buildbot/status/mail.py` for more details. Regardless of the setting of ``lookup``, ``MailNotifier`` will also send mail to addresses in the ``extraRecipients`` list. ``messageFormatter`` This is a optional function that can be used to generate a custom mail message. A :func:`messageFormatter` function takes the mail mode (``mode``), builder name (``name``), the build status (``build``), the result code (``results``), and the BuildMaster status (``master_status``). It returns a dictionary. The ``body`` key gives a string that is the complete text of the message. The ``type`` key is the message type ('plain' or 'html'). The 'html' type should be used when generating an HTML message. The ``subject`` key is optional, but gives the subject for the email. ``extraHeaders`` (dictionary) A dictionary containing key/value pairs of extra headers to add to sent e-mails. Both the keys and the values may be a `Interpolate` instance. ``previousBuildGetter`` An optional function to calculate the previous build to the one at hand. A :func:`previousBuildGetter` takes a :class:`BuildStatus` and returns a :class:`BuildStatus`. This function is useful when builders don't process their requests in order of arrival (chronologically) and therefore the order of completion of builds does not reflect the order in which changes (and their respective requests) arrived into the system. In such scenarios, status transitions in the chronological sequence of builds within a builder might not reflect the actual status transition in the topological sequence of changes in the tree. What's more, the latest build (the build at hand) might not always be for the most recent request so it might not make sense to send a "change" or "problem" email about it. Returning None from this function will prevent such emails from going out. As a help to those writing :func:`messageFormatter` functions, the following table describes how to get some useful pieces of information from the various status objects: Name of the builder that generated this event ``name`` Title of the buildmaster :meth:`master_status.getTitle()` MailNotifier mode ``mode`` (a combination of ``change``, ``failing``, ``passing``, ``problem``, ``warnings``, ``exception``, ``all``) Builder result as a string:: from buildbot.status.builder import Results result_str = Results[results] # one of 'success', 'warnings', 'failure', 'skipped', or 'exception' URL to build page ``master_status.getURLForThing(build)`` URL to buildbot main page. ``master_status.getBuildbotURL()`` Build text ``build.getText()`` Mapping of property names to values ``build.getProperties()`` (a :class:`Properties` instance) Slave name ``build.getSlavename()`` Build reason (from a forced build) ``build.getReason()`` List of responsible users ``build.getResponsibleUsers()`` Source information (only valid if ss is not ``None``) A build has a set of sourcestamps:: for ss in build.getSourceStamp(): branch = ss.branch revision = ss.revision patch = ss.patch changes = ss.changes # list A change object has the following useful information: ``who`` (str) who made this change ``revision`` (str) what VC revision is this change ``branch`` (str) on what branch did this change occur ``when`` (str) when did this change occur ``files`` (list of str) what files were affected in this change ``comments`` (str) comments reguarding the change. The ``Change`` methods :meth:`asText` and :meth:`asDict` can be used to format the information above. :meth:`asText` returns a list of strings and :meth:`asDict` returns a dictionary suitable for html/mail rendering. Log information:: logs = list() for log in build.getLogs(): log_name = "%s.%s" % (log.getStep().getName(), log.getName()) log_status, _ = log.getStep().getResults() log_body = log.getText().splitlines() # Note: can be VERY LARGE log_url = '%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (master_status.getURLForThing(build), log.getStep().getName(), log.getName()) logs.append((log_name, log_url, log_body, log_status)) .. bb:status:: IRC .. index:: IRC IRC Bot ~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: buildbot.status.words.IRC The :class:`buildbot.status.words.IRC` status target creates an IRC bot which will attach to certain channels and be available for status queries. It can also be asked to announce builds as they occur, or be told to shut up. :: from buildbot.plugins import status irc = status.IRC("irc.example.org", "botnickname", useColors=False, channels=[{"channel": "#example1"}, {"channel": "#example2", "password": "somesecretpassword"}], password="mysecretnickservpassword", notify_events={ 'exception': 1, 'successToFailure': 1, 'failureToSuccess': 1 }) c['status'].append(irc) Take a look at the docstring for :class:`words.IRC` for more details on configuring this service. Note that the ``useSSL`` option requires `PyOpenSSL`_. The ``password`` argument, if provided, will be sent to Nickserv to claim the nickname: some IRC servers will not allow clients to send private messages until they have logged in with a password. We can also specify a different ``port`` number. Default value is 6667. To use the service, you address messages at the buildbot, either normally (``botnickname: status``) or with private messages (``/msg botnickname status``). The buildbot will respond in kind. The bot will add color to some of its messages. This is enabled by default, you might turn it off with ``useColors=False`` argument to words.IRC(). If you issue a command that is currently not available, the buildbot will respond with an error message. If the ``noticeOnChannel=True`` option was used, error messages will be sent as channel notices instead of messaging. The default value is ``noticeOnChannel=False``. Some of the commands currently available: ``list builders`` Emit a list of all configured builders :samp:`status {BUILDER}` Announce the status of a specific Builder: what it is doing right now. ``status all`` Announce the status of all Builders :samp:`watch {BUILDER}` If the given :class:`Builder` is currently running, wait until the :class:`Build` is finished and then announce the results. :samp:`last {BUILDER}` Return the results of the last build to run on the given :class:`Builder`. :samp:`join {CHANNEL}` Join the given IRC channel :samp:`leave {CHANNEL}` Leave the given IRC channel :samp:`notify on|off|list {EVENT}` Report events relating to builds. If the command is issued as a private message, then the report will be sent back as a private message to the user who issued the command. Otherwise, the report will be sent to the channel. Available events to be notified are: ``started`` A build has started ``finished`` A build has finished ``success`` A build finished successfully ``failure`` A build failed ``exception`` A build generated and exception :samp:`{x}To{Y}` The previous build was x, but this one is Y, where x and Y are each one of success, warnings, failure, exception (except Y is capitalized). For example: ``successToFailure`` will notify if the previous build was successful, but this one failed :samp:`help {COMMAND}` Describe a command. Use :command:`help commands` to get a list of known commands. :samp:`shutdown {ARG}` Control the shutdown process of the buildbot master. Available arguments are: ``check`` Check if the buildbot master is running or shutting down ``start`` Start clean shutdown ``stop`` Stop clean shutdown ``now`` Shutdown immediately without waiting for the builders to finish ``source`` Announce the URL of the Buildbot's home page. ``version`` Announce the version of this Buildbot. Additionally, the config file may specify default notification options as shown in the example earlier. If the ``allowForce=True`` option was used, some additional commands will be available: .. index:: Properties; from forced build :samp:`force build [--branch={BRANCH}] [--revision={REVISION}] [--props=PROP1=VAL1,PROP2=VAL2...] {BUILDER} {REASON}` Tell the given :class:`Builder` to start a build of the latest code. The user requesting the build and *REASON* are recorded in the :class:`Build` status. The buildbot will announce the build's status when it finishes. The user can specify a branch and/or revision with the optional parameters :samp:`--branch={BRANCH}` and :samp:`--revision={REVISION}`. The user can also give a list of properties with :samp:`--props={PROP1=VAL1,PROP2=VAL2..}`. :samp:`stop build {BUILDER} {REASON}` Terminate any running build in the given :class:`Builder`. *REASON* will be added to the build status to explain why it was stopped. You might use this if you committed a bug, corrected it right away, and don't want to wait for the first build (which is destined to fail) to complete before starting the second (hopefully fixed) build. If the `tags` is set (see the tags option in :ref:`Builder-Configuration`) changes related to only builders belonging to those tags of builders will be sent to the channel. If the `useRevisions` option is set to `True`, the IRC bot will send status messages that replace the build number with a list of revisions that are contained in that build. So instead of seeing `build #253 of ...`, you would see something like `build containing revisions [a87b2c4]`. Revisions that are stored as hashes are shortened to 7 characters in length, as multiple revisions can be contained in one build and may exceed the IRC message length limit. Two additional arguments can be set to control how fast the IRC bot tries to reconnect when it encounters connection issues. ``lostDelay`` is the number of of seconds the bot will wait to reconnect when the connection is lost, where as ``failedDelay`` is the number of seconds until the bot tries to reconnect when the connection failed. ``lostDelay`` defaults to a random number between 1 and 5, while ``failedDelay`` defaults to a random one between 45 and 60. Setting random defaults like this means multiple IRC bots are less likely to deny each other by flooding the server. .. bb:status:: PBListener PBListener ~~~~~~~~~~ .. @cindex PBListener .. py:class:: buildbot.status.client.PBListener :: from buildbot.plugins import status pbl = status.PBListener(port=int, user=str, passwd=str) c['status'].append(pbl) This sets up a PB listener on the given TCP port, to which a PB-based status client can connect and retrieve status information. :command:`buildbot statusgui` (:bb:cmdline:`statusgui`) is an example of such a status client. The ``port`` argument can also be a strports specification string. .. bb:status:: StatusPush StatusPush ~~~~~~~~~~ .. @cindex StatusPush .. py:class:: buildbot.status.status_push.StatusPush :: from buildbot.plugins import status def Process(self): print str(self.queue.popChunk()) self.queueNextServerPush() sp = status.StatusPush(serverPushCb=Process, bufferDelay=0.5, retryDelay=5) c['status'].append(sp) :class:`StatusPush` batches events normally processed and sends it to the :func:`serverPushCb` callback every ``bufferDelay`` seconds. The callback should pop items from the queue and then queue the next callback. If no items were popped from ``self.queue``, ``retryDelay`` seconds will be waited instead. .. bb:status:: HttpStatusPush HttpStatusPush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. @cindex HttpStatusPush .. @stindex buildbot.status.status_push.HttpStatusPush :: from buildbot.plugins import status sp = status.HttpStatusPush(serverUrl="http://example.com/submit") c['status'].append(sp) :class:`HttpStatusPush` builds on :class:`StatusPush` and sends HTTP requests to ``serverUrl``, with all the items json-encoded. It is useful to create a status front end outside of Buildbot for better scalability. .. bb:status:: GerritStatusPush GerritStatusPush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:class:: buildbot.status.status_gerrit.GerritStatusPush :class:`GerritStatusPush` sends review of the :class:`Change` back to the Gerrit server, optionally also sending a message when a build is started. GerritStatusPush can send a separate review for each build that completes, or a single review summarizing the results for all of the builds. .. py:class:: GerritStatusPush(server, username, reviewCB, startCB, port, reviewArg, startArg, summaryCB, summaryArg, ...) :param string server: Gerrit SSH server's address to use for push event notifications. :param string username: Gerrit SSH server's username. :param int port: (optional) Gerrit SSH server's port (default: 29418) :param reviewCB: (optional) callback that is called each time a build is finished, and that is used to define the message and review approvals depending on the build result. :param reviewArg: (optional) argument passed to the review callback. If :py:func:`reviewCB` callback is specified, it determines the message and score to give when sending a review for each separate build. It should return a dictionary: .. code-block:: python {'message': message, 'labels': {label-name: label-score, ...} } For example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/git_gerrit.cfg :pyobject: gerritReviewCB :language: python Where ``Results``, ``RETRY`` and ``SUCCESS`` are imported like .. code-block:: python from buildbot.status.builder import Results, SUCCESS, RETRY :param startCB: (optional) callback that is called each time a build is started. Used to define the message sent to Gerrit. :param startArg: (optional) argument passed to the start callback. If :py:func:`startCB` is specified, it should return a message. This message will be sent to the Gerrit server when each build is started, for example: .. literalinclude:: /examples/git_gerrit.cfg :pyobject: gerritStartCB :param summaryCB: (optional) callback that is called each time a buildset finishes, and that is used to define a message and review approvals depending on the build result. :param summaryArg: (optional) argument passed to the summary callback. If :py:func:`summaryCB` callback is specified, determines the message and score to give when sending a single review summarizing all of the builds. It should return a dictionary: .. code-block:: python {'message': message, 'labels': {label-name: label-score, ...} } .. literalinclude:: /examples/git_gerrit.cfg :language: python :pyobject: gerritSummaryCB :param string identity_file: (optional) Gerrit SSH identity file. .. note:: By default, a single summary review is sent; that is, a default summaryCB is provided, but no reviewCB or startCB. .. note:: If :py:func:`reviewCB` or :py:func:`summaryCB` do not return any labels, only a message will be pushed to the Gerrit server. .. seealso:: :file:`master/docs/examples/git_gerrit.cfg` and :file:`master/docs/examples/repo_gerrit.cfg` in the Buildbot distribution provide a full example setup of Git+Gerrit or Repo+Gerrit of :bb:status:`GerritStatusPush`. .. bb:status:: GitHubStatus GitHubStatus ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. @cindex GitHubStatus .. py:class:: buildbot.status.github.GitHubStatus :: from buildbot.plugins import status, util repoOwner = util.Interpolate("%(prop:github_repo_owner)s") repoName = util.Interpolate("%(prop:github_repo_name)s") sha = util.Interpolate("%(src::revision)s") gs = status.GitHubStatus(token='githubAPIToken', repoOwner=repoOwner, repoName=repoName, sha=sha, startDescription='Build started.', endDescription='Build done.') buildbot_bbtools = util.BuilderConfig( name='builder-name', slavenames=['slave1'], factory=util.BuilderFactory(), properties={ "github_repo_owner": "buildbot", "github_repo_name": "bbtools", }) c['builders'].append(buildbot_bbtools) c['status'].append(gs) :class:`GitHubStatus` publishes a build status using `GitHub Status API `_. It requires `txgithub ` package to allow interaction with GitHub API. It is configured with at least a GitHub API token, repoOwner and repoName arguments. You can create a token from you own `GitHub - Profile - Applications - Register new application `_ or use an external tool to generate one. `repoOwner`, `repoName` are used to inform the plugin where to send status for build. This allow using a single :class:`GitHubStatus` for multiple projects. `repoOwner`, `repoName` can be passes as a static `string` (for single project) or :class:`Interpolate` for dynamic substitution in multiple project. `sha` argument is use to define the commit SHA for which to send the status. By default `sha` is defined as: `%(src::revision)s`. In case any of `repoOwner`, `repoName` or `sha` returns `None`, `False` or empty string, the plugin will skip sending the status. You can define custom start and end build messages using the `startDescription` and `endDescription` optional interpolation arguments. Starting with Buildbot version 0.8.11, :class:`GitHubStatus` supports additional parameter -- ``baseURL`` -- that allows to specify a different API base endpoint. This is required if you work with GitHub Enterprise installation. This feature requires ``txgithub`` of version 0.2.0 or better. StashStatusPush ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. @cindex StashStatusPush .. py:class:: buildbot.status.status_stash.StashStatusPush :: from buildbot.status.status_stash import StashStatusPush ss = StashStatusPush('https://stash.example.com:8080/', 'stash_username', 'secret_password') c['status'].append(ss) :class:`StashStatusPush` publishes build status using `Stash Build Integration REST API `_. The build status is published to a specific commit SHA in Stash. It tracks the last build for each builderName for each commit built. Specifically, it follows the `Updating build status for commits `_ document. It uses the standard Python Twisted Agent to make REST requests to the stash server. It uses HTTP Basic AUTH. As a result, we recommend you use https in your base_url rather than http. If you use https, it requires `pyOpenSSL`. Configuration requires exactly 3 parameters: `base_url` is the base url of the stash host, up to and optionally including the first / of the path. `user` is the stash user to post as `password` is the stash user's password .. [#] Apparently this is the same way http://buildd.debian.org displays build status .. [#] It may even be possible to provide SSL access by using a specification like ``"ssl:12345:privateKey=mykey.pen:certKey=cert.pem"``, but this is completely untested .. _PyOpenSSL: http://pyopenssl.sourceforge.net/