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4.1 Config File Format

The config file is, fundamentally, just a piece of Python code which defines a dictionary named BuildmasterConfig, with a number of keys that are treated specially. You don't need to know Python to do basic configuration, though, you can just copy the syntax of the sample file. If you are comfortable writing Python code, however, you can use all the power of a full programming language to achieve more complicated configurations.

The BuildmasterConfig name is the only one which matters: all other names defined during the execution of the file are discarded. When parsing the config file, the Buildmaster generally compares the old configuration with the new one and performs the minimum set of actions necessary to bring the buildbot up to date: Builders which are not changed are left untouched, and Builders which are modified get to keep their old event history.

The beginning of the master.cfg file typically starts with something like:

     BuildmasterConfig = c = {}

Therefore a config key of change_source will usually appear in master.cfg as c['change_source'].

See Configuration Index for a full list of BuildMasterConfig keys.

Basic Python Syntax

Python comments start with a hash character (“#”), tuples are defined with (parenthesis, pairs), and lists (arrays) are defined with [square, brackets]. Tuples and listsk are mostly interchangeable. Dictionaries (data structures which map “keys” to “values”) are defined with curly braces: {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} . Function calls (and object instantiation) can use named parameters, like w = html.Waterfall(http_port=8010).

The config file starts with a series of import statements, which make various kinds of Steps and Status targets available for later use. The main BuildmasterConfig dictionary is created, then it is populated with a variety of keys, described section-by-section in subsequent chapters.